Page 16 - Jigsaw October 2020
P. 16

                                     Local interest.......................................................................................
Notes from the Belfry – retuned – ode to The Bellringers.
What do they do, when all the ropes are still, When silence creeps again into her bower, lantern, lo When the stunned air is quiet from its thrill, And he who bears the lantern locks the Tower.
It’s been 6 long months since the COVID-19 Lockdown prevented the bell-ringers from doing what they do best. Oh! How we miss our bells, but ever resourceful, many of us have found the time and energy to adapt
to new ways of keeping our brains and hands busy with ringing related activities. Zoom has proved particularly popular with ‘Quiz Nights’, bell bingo evenings, virtual ringing, brain teasers and just belfry chats with our fellow ringers. The ringing world has provided much needed updates and study sessions but there is nothing quite like being in the belfry and ‘ringing them bells’.
There are now cautious approaches being made to return to ringing following Government and Church of England guide lines, but it is a very mixed picture and each individual belfry has to assess what is the best and right procedures for them. Be assured as soon as we can safely do so we will be ringing again. In the meantime we will continue to mow our lawns to within an inch of their lives, turn out our sheds and garages, do all the little jobs that were put on the back burner because we were busy ringing and walk our dogs and children
Tira Stanford
Graphic Designer
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• Leaflet and Brochure Design,
• Vector Conversion and Image Manipulation,
07734816243 | Thrapston
along the highways and byways listening out for bells across the meadows. None could be heard. And so to the pub. Bell-ringers are generally known for enjoying a pint or two following practice nights, but as with
all COVID-19 curtailments we have had to ‘stand down’ on our drinking activities too. It was heartening to find these few lines written by Samuel Pepys in 1665...
“The Taverns are full of gadabouts making merry this Eve. And though I press my
face against the window like an urchin at
a confectioner’s, I am tempted not by the sweetmeats within. A dram in exchange for the plague is an ill bargain indeed”
Diary of Samuel Pepys. The Great Plague of 1665.
Perhaps nothing changes? Keep well and stay safe.
Unfortunately, all of our meetings arranged for the coming months have had to be cancelled due to the current COVID restrictions.
Our next meeting will be in
2021 but when that might be will depend upon the circumstances
at that time. Members will be informed when a meeting has been arranged and the usual posters
will be displayed around the town. We hope to see everyone again in 2021.

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