Page 44 - NAS Members Guide to Funding
P. 44

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internet skills, ask around on your site for plotholders and their families/friends who can help you.
Answering the questions
Before you complete the form, read through all the
questions first of all and make some notes on a sheet
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a paper about which information you will use to
answer each question. It is a good idea to draft your answers on a piece of paper, until you have answered all questions. This way you can check everything makes good sense.
On the whole, independent funders – and especially The National Lottery – have simplified their application forms and do not expect you to use ‘jargon’. Funders prefer to hear your story in your own words rather than in a technical “funding language” or flowery prose. Unless you are talking about something highly technical, keep it simple and straightforward. Keeping it pared down makes life easier for funders too – they have to read a lot of applications!
Most funders have set-questions which usually cover everything you need to explain. Ensure that as you answer the questions you include all of the following:
Bid Writers are people who will write a funding
application for you. Bid Writing is an unregulated sector and anyone can set themselves up as a Bid Writer without any form of qualification.
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A Bid Writer will charge your association
for their services. The cost is either (a) a set
fee, based on how much time it will take to
do research and write the application or (b)
a percentage cut based on the amount being applied for - this can turn out to be a large
sum of money depending on how much your association is applying for and you cannot use funding awarded to pay this bill. If you choose
to use a bid writer, find out which method they will use to charge your association before you commit to use their services. Ask for examples of organisations they have worked with and do not be shy about asking to speak with those organisations. If your association uses this guide and follows the Funding Routes outlined in Part 4 you should not need to use a Bid Writer.

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