Page 7 - Thrapston Life May 2024
P. 7

                                       Can people come direct to your unit to buy their coffee? No, but people can buy bags or coffee subscriptions online. Lots of our cafe partners sell bags of jute coffee too, like Bennett’s in Thrapston.
What’s your favourite coffee blend?
The award-winning Jute blend and the Jute dark blend. The Jute blend uses beans from Brazil, Honduras, Colombia, and Ethiopia, and has consistently been awarded a Great Taste Award. We do also have a wide range of single origin coffees.
What makes Jute Coffee different?
We supply coffee to wholesale customers
in reusable tubs – rinse, recycle and repeat – and we’re the first suppliers in the UK to do so.
Tell us something about coffee we don’t know? An Ethiopian legend is that coffee was
discovered by Kaldi, a goat herder. He noticed that after eating berries from a certain tree, his goats were full of beans (!) and unable to sleep at night.
Do you only sell coffee? We also produce and sell dash – innovative
flavour tablets for coffee. Less sugar and fewer calories than
traditional coffee syrups, and more sustainable packaging with no single-use plastic.
Dinner out or at home? Dinner out – there are so many great
restaurants in the local area to explore.
...and a favourite tipple to go with it?
An Espresso Martini.
Dog, cat or iguana – who’s at home? Two
black cats called Lily and Lala.

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