Page 10 - She's One Crazy Lady!
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Her ener“
Patients ask many things from their doctors, but this was a first. It was a unique and unexpected surprise when in 2003 Glennis asked me to write a Foreword for her book. I said I would do so, and twenty years later, I am very pleased to fulfil my promise. I am even more glad that the book has taken so long to be written, as so much has happened in the intervening years to enrich the story.
Breast cancer is an all too common diagnosis, and Glennis tells her story with refreshing honesty, and chronicles its effect on her family, her job prospects, her wide circle of friends, fellow teachers and her students. Out of such adversity was born “Crazy Hats”, a Northamp- tonshire charity which raised over £3 million in twenty years to augment the local Breast Cancer Services, and to support their many patients, staff, and families.
Is Glennis “One Crazy Lady?” You have to read the book and make your judgement. There is no doubt that the management of breast cancer patients in Northamptonshire has been enhanced by the funding and publicity from Crazy Hats. The level of professional and patient support which now exists is second to none, and a model which could and should be copied.
Despite being medically retired as a Headteacher in her mid-40s, she became in the words of one of her pupils “a teacher of breast cancer”. Her energy, enthusiasm and focus on people’s emotional needs shine through as her story is told. Her personal experience of having cancer and its treatment will be an inspiration to anyone reading the book.
So who should read it?
Anyone who has cancer should read this book. Many of their stories will be similar, and there is comfort in knowing you are not the only one in any situation. Also, those family and friends of anyone afflicted, as it will give them a clearer idea of how to cope and support each other. Medical and other health care professionals will appreciate the candour and humour which balance the serious side of care. Indeed, anyone who enjoys a good read about a talented and interesting person should
gy, enthusiasm and focus on people’s emotional needs shine through as her
Dr David Lawrence, FRCGP, Cert Ed GP in Wellingborough 1979 – 2006
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