Page 203 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 203

and I were there.) I was also made aware that Occupational Health can override my medical team. Dr Lawrence had been asked to write a report about me and, naturally, I wanted to see it before it was sent off, that being my entitlement. His report would be discussed alongside my job description (which I hadn’t got, of course). Wanting to see Dr Lawrence’s report went against me as I was told I was holding things up!
Life at school was, sadly, getting worse, I was told an Associate Head would be brought in to work with me. Did I have a say in this? No. A third Acting Head within the space of twelve months. A parent told me the school needed a miracle worker. I was not a miracle worker.
So, after all of this I was going back.
I would be signed off by all my medical team – deemed fit for work – as from August 1st – but, the LEA would be monitoring my position to ensure they had confidence in me and my ability to take the school forward beyond Special Measures. Later in the month I was told who I would be working with, that we would be doing two and a half days each, each with defined responsibilities – set by whom?
There were more meetings and I was to meet up with the third ‘Associate Head’ who made us aware she was away for the whole of August... with the schools starting just days after her return – and a lot to sort out beforehand. Not ideal!
August 1st 2002
Twelve months since I sat in my chair in the Head’s office.
Diary: “It’s incredible to think what has happened, all the people I’ve met, all the operations and procedures I’ve had... that I had cancer! And now I’m back. Despite all the hassle I felt good about life and went off to school with a happy heart. A new beginning! I spent most of the day sorting through papers and familiarising myself with ‘everything’. The staff, many of them new, and I went out for lunch and raised our
August 2nd 2002
Diary: “Received a letter from Personnel this morning saying I was not allowed in school until such time as they received the medical report following my ‘medical’ with Occupational Health on August 12th! The Chair of Governors rang me and was surprised that he, too, had received a letter. He told me I was to hand over my keys! (He’d obviously, in his letter, been asked to do this). What are they playing at? Here we go again!! What about the school? “!@”+!?**+&!” (Expletives!)
During this additional time away from school I had check ups at Northampton and was sent for a precautionary bone scan which, thankfully, proved to be nothing. I also had an appointment with Mr Varma at Leicester to discuss my possible breast reconstruction.
   “Life at school was, sadly, getting worse, I was told an Associate Head would be brought in to work with me.

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