Page 207 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 207

                                                                         My party piece
Diary Extract: August 14th 2001:
“What will this day be like, I wonder?”
A favourite quote of mine from an equally favourite film, The Sound
of Music, and a title that was shortlisted for the title of my book – one of dozens!
Today I am seeing a second Plastic Surgeon at Leicester Royal Infirmary to see if he can give me my boob back but with all that’s going on, I also may ask if he can do a brain reconstruction! I’m going into this feeling very upbeat and positive despite the negatives from so many people, asking why on earth I was ‘willingly’ electing to have more surgery. Yes, it’s surgery, but surgery of a good type – like a car going into the garage to be to be mended after a bump or something’s been knocked off. Whatever this entails, I’m up for it!”
Marilyn came with me. We did a dummy run beforehand knowing we’d get lost!
“Aren’t you nervous, Glennis?”
“No, I’m excited.”
“You’re crazy! You do know what you’re letting yourself in for don’t
“Neither of us know, do we? That’s why I’m seeing Mr Varma.”
We laughed when I added,
“He may not do it anyway; he’ll probably say I’m too fat!”
“You’re not fat – just chunky.”
Marilyn was such a lovely friend!
Marilyn wasn’t the only one who was sceptical about me opting to
have a breast reconstruction. Some of my family and friends were also asking the question: “Why?” They reminded me of what I’d already been though. Why put yourself through more pain and discomfort? Why put yourself through such major surgery? I found it hard to explain and difficult to make them understand but my feelings on the matter hadn’t changed. Not once did I waiver.
Before going off to see Mr Varma Marilyn also, somewhat reluctantly, came with me when we went to see ‘Denise’ to have a look at her new reconstructed breast!
Not the ‘normal’ evening out!
In conversation with Jayne, (who sponsored our badges) I said how good it would be to actually see a real reconstructed breast before
                                                                            “Yes, it’s surgery, but surgery of a good type – like a car going into the garage to be to be mended after a bump
or something’s been knocked off. Whatever this entails, I’m up for it!” ”

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