Page 208 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 208

 Door shut a“
having it done.
“Ah”, she said “Then you must go and see my friend, Denise. She
 nd in a flash, she whipped her top off. The look on her face told me how pleased and proud
lives locally and I’m certain she’d be more than happy to show you hers as she’s recently had hers done at Leicester and is thrilled with the outcome. She’ll be able to tell you anything you want to know.”
So that’s what we did – Denise was very happy to oblige.
No sooner had we rung her doorbell when Denise appeared and instantly asked if we wanted to have a look. I suggested we went indoors first! Door shut and in a flash, she whipped her top off. The look on her face told me how pleased and proud she was.
“Oh, WOW!!!” I exclaimed. Marilyn stood there open-mouthed.
        she w”
“Oh, Wow!” I cried again. “I’m so impressed – it’s amazing!” Her new breast had no nipple but it looked so, so natural and she looked ‘balanced’ – she had a cleavage – and a very flat tummy!!! Denise had had the ‘tummy’ procedure – the procedure I hoped I would be having. Mr Varma was her Consultant – the Consultant I was due to see.
Denise invited me to touch it – she had no feeling in it – and I was able to look to see where she had been cut... under her bikini line from side to side and, of course, around the breast. I was fascinated! All areas looked extremely neat and tidy and she had healed well having had her reconstruction the previous July. Marilyn was VERY quiet! Denise had sold it to me and I was more determined than ever to go ahead, thinking I could be rid of the prosthesis and look and feel ‘normal’ in that department. Even Marilyn, on the way home confessed she had a little more understanding and could appreciate why I wanted it done but was still worried about what it entailed.
Having someone like Denise to talk to, and to actually see the fruits of a surgeon’s labours is a recommendation I, personally, would convey to anyone considering a breast reconstruction. There are plenty of images on the internet but to see a real one is the ideal. Denise was very open and ‘upfront’ (pardon the pun!)about her time at Leicester and was
able to give me such good advice of things to take in with me, how I would feel pain wise, reassurance that care, excellent care, is 1:1 for a lot of the time; what to expect after the surgery, how wonderful Mr Varma was, how he took so much pride in his work, what an excellent reputation he had... all the time making it clear that every patient has a different story to tell. I couldn’t thank Denise enough. It was comforting to know that she was ‘there’ so that we could compare notes, which we did, before and after the operation. Over the course

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