Page 304 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 304

“Ah!” he said again. “Come with me.”
We went outside to a building he owned adjacent to his – it was empty. Opening the door, we went upstairs to be greeted by a vast space – a large, divided office, a kitchen and two toilets (and hundreds of telephones and telephone boxes – it used to be a Call Centre). Downstairs was his storeroom.
“How about this?” I was very taken with it, imagining how, with this extra space, we could even set up an area for people to come in for support – my mind was whirring! We discussed the rental costs.
I said I would get back to him and immediately, and excitedly, contacted our Trustees and arranged to take them to see it. They were surprised and concerned about us possibly taking on such a big commitment and paying out money for rent – something we had never thought of. However, once we were all in the empty ‘office’ we were like-minded and decided to ‘go for it!’ We never looked back and I was at last to get my flat back!
The office was basic and had been ‘well-used’ but with a lot of elbow grease (and a screwdriver to remove all the phones) it was useable and we moved in with all our boxes. Another local firm offered to help with office furniture and ‘Colin’ very generously offered us some desks, chairs, cupboards and shelves at a very reduced price – with some donated. Angelina designed some stick-on logos to go on our windows so people knew we were there and having installed our own phone line and broadband, we were up and running.
We planned an official ‘Opening’ and invited the Mayor and Mayoresses from Kettering and Wellingborough Peter Bone (MP), many of the Hospital’s Nursing and Administrative Staff, Consultants, all our Trustees and Committee Members, the Press, ‘Friends of Crazy Hats’ – a membership scheme having just been introduced – and people who had supported us so well. We also invited some of our new Honorary Members of Crazy Hats, including my GP and Drew – and our “President” – Dr Matthew. Yes, (roll of the drums...) we now had a President!
In the years following all my treatment for breast cancer and at subsequent follow-up appointments, I had got to know Dr Matthew much better and had huge respect for him. He had come along to several cheque presentations and was really interested in what we were doing. I’d initially invited him to one of our Walks and was delighted when he came along (as he did for all future Walks). He was staggered
   “We also invited some of our new Honorary Members of Crazy Hats, including my GP and Drew
– and our ‘President’ – Dr Matthew.”

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