Page 306 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 306

 The eupho“
by the ‘atmosphere’ and numbers of walkers, many of whom he knew of course as many were his patients. Similarly, the patients were thrilled to see him and did not ‘pester’ him with medical questions (as Dr Matthew had feared). No – they respected him too much and were so happy to see him ‘out there’ with them – in his jeans – being part of the ‘snake’ of walkers.
ria of the event itself carried my colleagues and I along (a large team from the Oncology Department had entered under the name ‘Buckin Onco’s’ – all wearing bright red
Knowing he enjoyed everything about the Walk, I took the plunge and asked if he would consider becoming our President as we really needed a ‘figurehead’ and just knew he was ‘the right person’. It took a little persuasion and we had to accept this was a big step for him (many of his colleagues were telling him he shouldn’t get involved, that what we were doing wouldn’t last... etc... etc...)
He accepted! He believed in us. We had made absolutely the right choice!
He wrote: “March 13th loomed and my thoughts were mixed as I made my way to Wicksteed Park but as soon as I stepped out the car any negative thoughts I may have had were soon dispelled. I was surrounded by a mass of men, women and children of all ages – and even dogs! Everyone had a smile on their face and I could hear much laughter. I didn’t feel out of place and was soon recognised. The whole park was buzzing with anticipation and excitement – there were so many people! It was a beautiful morning. Ahead of me was the thought of a five mile walk! Was I fit for this?
cowboy ha”
The answer was ‘yes’. I thoroughly enjoyed every step. The euphoria of the event itself carried my colleagues and I along (a large team from the Oncology Department had entered under the name ‘Buckin Onco’s’ – all wearing bright red cowboy hats!) and it was while I was walking that I realised the enormity of the Crazy Hats movement. Everyone there was taking part for a reason – that of breast cancer – and so much warmth was being shown. I knew this was something the community wanted
and needed and wanted to find out more. To my surprise I was invited to become the Charity’s President and I accepted the role, very proud to be associated with such a worthy cause. Through my work I meet many breast cancer patients and their families on a day-to-day basis and I know Crazy Hats is making a difference and is having a positive and significant impact on their lives. I wish them every success and pledge my full support.” (Dr R Matthew)
The ‘Opening’ of the new premises, in October 2006, an evening event, was incredible. In preparation for this

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