Page 326 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 326

  number of volunteers not to mention the preparation work that went on behind the scenes before and after each long day...
Yes, the medical people needed to be made aware of this. I hope what I said opened their eyes and that they appreciated and had a better understanding of the efforts ALL fundraisers give to help their hospitals. This is something I still feel passionate about today for the way hospitals receive charity money has changed. When we first started to make donations to the hospitals we always met with the consultants
who had asked for certain pieces of equipment; we often worked with the suppliers to get the best prices and to ensure we didn’t pay VAT on the medical supplies purchased. Today, all charity money goes through the Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (Northamp- tonshire Health Charity) for both Kettering and Northampton General Hospital. It is they who provide the funding for equipment, research, training and all the ‘extras’ – services which are outside what the NHS should provide, thanks to the generous support of fundraisers who can state what causes /projects they want their money to be spent on. This is so important. I strongly feel that proof must be given to the donors that all the money handed over has been spent exactly as requested.
Personally, I prefer the old ways and have to accept ‘change’ is inevitable – but not all change is good.
It was a very proud moment when we handed over our first donation, when we saw what the Charity (public) had paid for, when we met the medical team who would be using
the machine ...
A few years later we were able to
fund two more upgraded Faxitron machines – with technology moving fast.

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