Page 349 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 349
the UK offering to knit for us – and later, offers coming from all over the world! Seriously! A lady from America even including packets of sweets with her bows to keep us all going! Glennis’s idea had gone global! What had she done? The response was unbelievable! Over the next few weeks we received hundreds of parcels and ‘thousands’ of pinks strips that all needed sewing up. People of all ages were knitting and crocheting for us – people even handed bundles to us in the street! Knitting shops across the county generously donated wool and acted as dropping off points. Volunteers from all over Northamptonshire came forward to help us sew them up and attach them to vinyl bunting that we had ordered – with Tesco’s and Coleman’s Craft Warehouse offering their space for us all to meet up and get sewing.
With hundreds of lengths of bunting and pink bows we asked if shops and the supermarkets would be willing to put them up for the month of October. Again, we were inundated with hundreds of offers to do this – small shops, Doctor’s surgeries, companies, libraries, schools, churches, residential homes and all our local shopping centres! Our office was a mass of pink and the poor postman was bewidered with all the parcels we were continuing to receive. Whilst out and about it was humbling to see our efforts on display.
But Glennis didn’t stop there. Oh, no! We prodcued a pink bow pin badge to sell for that year and even knitted and embellished two life-size pink bows that we took out to all our Pink Days and that you can see here, to use as a backdrop for willing people to stand in front of to have their head and shoulders photograph taken holding a message for people to be breast aware – Glennis’s idea to get a thousand faces and a thousand messages on billboards to raise awareness in a completely different way – for next year!
It has been an incredible project. We just dread it now when Glennis comes out with the words, “I’ve been thinking...”
Yes, it was an incredible project that had huge potential and brought so many people together. Everyone had withdrawal symptoms when we moved on to something else. I managed to get over 600 ‘faces’ with shoppers being so willing, but sadly, never got them on the billboards – although it is still a brilliant idea – as is creating a giant pink bow that we could hang from the outside of All Saints Church, made of strong netting with the knitted pink bows attached... you see, I’ve been thinking!!