Page 369 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 369

  Another highlight was when I was invited to appear
on the Alan Titchmarsh Show with the Duchess of York
as part of her ‘Have A Heart With Fergie’ project. At
first I thought it was my sister playing a practical joke
when I got the phone call but this was genuine. The
Programme Planner asked me what I would like for
the charity. What did she mean? I told her we could
do with a couple more computers. Having to dress for
the occasion I took the train to London – all expenses
were paid – and was picked up by a car at St. Pancras
and driven to the television Studios where I was shown
to my own dressing room! I felt so nervous, yet very
excited. In the morning we met Alan, who was very
relaxed and laid back and he took us though a
rehearsal. A quick lunch then off to the make up room.
Now, I don’t do make up – never have done – so felt
really embarrassed and uncomfortable when I had to
sit in the chair and experience being spray-tanned and
have gallons of different potions, lotions and powders
applied to my neck and face – and my hair styled. As
I laid there, someone took my hand and held it – I couldn’t see who it was, of course, but when I did open my eyes, it was the Duchess of York, chatting away as if were good friends!! Next to her was Gloria Hunniford being made up! It was all surreal! But everyone was so kind and calm. I wasn’t! The make-up artists had applied so much make up I couldn’t speak properly – which was noticed by friends and family back home when they watched it live on the television– they thought it hilarious!
With the cameras rolling and me sitting on the couch next to the Duchess I was asked to look at the screen... which showed a brand new white van with someone waving the keys. I was told it was ours as a thank you for all that we were doing for breast cancer in Northampton- shire! Other guests received similar
‘gifts’. In the Green Room afterwards we were able to have photos with the Duchess, Alan and Gloria and we also met Charlie Dimmock, Matt Dawson and other TV stars I didn’t really know. What a day!
However, on my return when we had to sort the van out it wasn’t quite as they said. We didn’t get the van that they showed us – we had to contact a van rental company and were told we could choose a small, used van for a period of one year only with Crazy Hats having to pay the insurance etc. Hmmm!

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