Page 370 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 370

Avon were shocked by this and when our year was up they donated £20,000 to help us buy our own van which was a fantastic luxury. Years on, the Masonic Lodge, through the support of Tom (Heather’s husband) and their good friend and ‘Brother’, Steve Squires, nominated us to be put forward to receive £25,000. This would be decided via a public vote on Facebook... and we won it, so used the money to replace Avon’s van that was in need of a few repairs.
Other highlights included being invited on stage with Lisa Riley and the cast of ‘Naked Truth’ when they put on the show at The Lighthouse Theatre in Kettering – a moving breast cancer story that involved Pole Dancing and yes, I had a go – with them holding my rear end up! After the show we took the cast to KGH where Mr Stewart and his team showed them round the Breast Clinic and explained what Crazy Hats
had done to support them. Lisa’s mother died of breast cancer.
Later, I was invited, twice, once by Northampton MP, Sally Keeble and again by Tom Pursglove MP for Corby, to No. 10 Downing Street to meet Prime Ministers, Gordon Brown and later, David Cameron, as part of International Women of the Year Celebrations and after David Cameron had left Office,
receiving a Points of Light Award from Teresa May. Then Waitrose invited six of us to attend the Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebration Event at Windsor Castle – all very privileged invitations which certainly put Crazy Hats in the spotlight. Over the years we had the privilege of meeting quite a few stars – even being nominated twice
for a Pride of Britain Award.
As said though, whatever I did, whoever I met, every
day that I spent working with Crazy Hats and our amazing team was a highlight!

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