Page 38 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 38
“Wobert” and my teddy bear
I could never roll my ‘r’s!
“Wobert” (Robert) would be one of the few treasures
and possessions I would have to save, God forbid, if there was ever a fire. (I would also try to save my collection of other ‘miniature’ teddy bears – I love teddy bears!)
Woburt is a very, very important part of my life. Wobert is my precious, much-loved teddy bear, given to me at birth and now, although very threadbare and worn, sits proudly on my bedroom shelf, showing off the only two ribbons I ever won in a school sports day – both for coming third in running races with only three in each! (I
hated running!) People have said I should take him to the repair shop to have him mended but every worn patch, every hole and his lack of fur all have special memories so no thanks! I love him just as he is!
Wobert got his name when I was at nursery school. Wobert came with me, of course. At the time we had several Windrush families move near to us and I apparently, took a liking to a young boy called Robert. I loved Robert and, apparently, mothered him, hence me naming my teddy bear after him. Mum and Dad did kind deeds to help his family, so I saw Robert outside of nursery too. Wobert went ‘everywhere’ with
me, and I’m sure had lots of cuddles with Robert.
If only Wobert could talk. I wonder how he would
tell my story?