Page 380 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 380

    It was e“
and we were just as excited as before when reflecting on previous milestones reached. But did we really have the stamina to get there? For once, I wasn’t sure. For I realised, as much as we all wanted it, we were becoming tired, me included!
I clearly remember at one of our Thursday coffee and chat mornings (it would be about June 2019) Karol (with a ‘K’), a very kind lady, who I had a huge amount of respect for, looked at me and said: “You’re looking tired Glennis.”
“I’m fine.” I said, but deep down she had hit the nail on the head. Yes, I had to admit this to myself – I was tired, and it obviously showed. Karol’s eyes looked probingly at me as if to say, “Are you sure?” As much as
asy for people to say ‘delegate Glennis’. Hmm. This was not as easy as it
my mind was willing, I knew my energy levels were not as they were and was finding this frustrating. The long hours and long days out and about were physically and mentally demanding and were taking their toll. I suppose it had to happen but if I was feeling tired, so too, must everyone else, although, even if they were, no-one said anything – such was their commitment, determination and continued enthusiasm – we simply carried on.
When we first started Crazy Hats and the team grew around us, we were all younger and fitter and hadn’t bargained on the fact that, one day, we would all, undoubtedly, slow up. We never envisaged the Charity would have been so successful. I admit to finding it harder to mentally ‘juggle’ all that was happening and, (just like school, when I first secured my headship,) I found that a great deal of my time was taken up behind my desk attending to – paperwork!! I was a people’s person and was beginning to miss being ‘out there’ as much with our team.
The nature of running the charity was rapidly changing too. There was a multitude of legal requirements to adhere to; risk assessments, health and safety policies, employment and management policies, insurances, tenancy of the office, the holiday home, managing the website, purchasing of sales items – the list was endless. Being there and being available for the volunteers to make sure they all felt valued and had meaningful jobs to do was also a key priority, as it was for the continuous stream of visitors who would ‘drop in’ at any time of the day.
I always ensured that everything stopped when visitors did call in – they were our priority – they had made the effort, so too, should we – they needed us, and we had to give them time, listen to them and make them feel welcome. It was easy for people to say ‘delegate Glennis’. Hmm. This was not as easy as it sounded and as much as I would have liked to pass over some of the tasks, I couldn’t. Linda and Marilyn were just as busy as I was with their roles and responsibilities and delegating wasn’t always straightforward, especially with paperwork. Having said that, there was no way we would have been as successful had we not

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