Page 387 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 387
surreal, for I did not think, for one minute, that what I was experiencing “ could have been put down to having breast cancer but – who knew? I
appreciated the opportunity to be checked out.
Mr Musa gave me a very thorough examination and said he could
neither feel nor see anything that could indicate breast cancer but would send me for a mammogram as a precaution. I had this within the hour and was told the results within minutes. No breast cancer. We left each other saying we’d meet again at the next project meeting!
So, what on earth was causing my tiredness and the bothersome aches and pains? There were ‘better days’ but the bad ones were beginning to irritate me. Bit by bit, certain probabilities were ruled out. They even thought, at one time, I had had a stroke and I had an MRI scan of the brain and then of the heart. I put it to many doctors that I may have had Covid. They were sceptical because at that time there was no way they could test for antibodies and by the time such tests were readily available I would not have had the antibodies in my body because of the time lapse.
Rolling the clock forward briefly to July 2022, having undergone so, so many tests, over so many months, doctors eventually concluded I was suffering with fibromyalgia. I was coping better but often had (and still have) days of the muscle aches, pains, and tiredness as before but, following advice, I try to work through such days and listen to my body if the tiredness becomes too much. I also must live with the fact that there is currently no cure for fibromyalgia.
Furthermore, it was found that I was a carrier of the hemochromatosis gene, whereby I have too much iron stored in my body; my ferritin levels being constantly much higher than they should be. I wondered whether that was the reason for all the aches and pains but doctors assured me it was not.
To this day, having listened to so many people who were poorly pre-Covid days and the effects of Long Covid understood, I still believe I had the virus back in the early months of 2020. To top it all, despite having had all my jabs, like many others, I tested positive for Covid April 2022. To see the ‘positive’ red line show up on the little white test stick was a shock. However, my symptoms were manageable and I isolated, concerned that others would catch it.
So, you see, the odds were stacking up against us carrying on with Crazy Hats. Lockdown continued for many months followed by a reprieve, followed by a second lockdown and numerous scares – the rules were changing daily and none of us could predict how long we would all be subjected to such rules and regulations.
The implications for us were:
• We couldn’t go into the office together.
• No fundraising was taking place.
• Extremely limited donations were being received.
• Money for ‘everyone’ was tight.
• Running costs of the office and salaries had to be paid, although
So, you see,
the odds were stacking up against us carrying on
with Crazy Hats. Lockdown continued for many months followed by
a reprieve, followed by a second lockdown and numerous scares. ”