Page 389 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 389
display materials to ‘Breast Friends’, a breast cancer charity that had recently set up in Northampton and where several of our younger committee members now offered their services. With all the tombola prizes we had in store, Linda organised ‘Goody Bags’ containing ‘mystery’ items and these were a great hit. In all of this, we didn’t rush – there was no need to.
There were many legal issues to see to as there were
domestic issues – cancelling insurances, phone lines,
closing the website – even cancelling the window
cleaner. We had to sell the Holiday Home too and our
van but with vans and caravans much sought after, we
had no problems with either and they were sold very
quickly – and at a good price. On the financial side
we worked closely with our Accountants to draw up
our last Annual Report for the Charities Commission
and agreed on how the remaining funds in our Bank
Account would be used. (Please refer to the next chapter... ‘Finally’)
Linda and Marilyn ‘retired’ at the end of June.
With all the assets sold, signs taken down and the office emptied and cleaned, it was finally time to shut the office door and hand over the keys to our new landlord – something I had to do on my own. It was emotional. In between helping Marilyn, I worked from home for a further six months to get our accounts up to date and approved, donations paid out, hospital projects sorted and years
of paperwork filed and stored.
I knew 100% we had made the right decision.
Facebook: July 1st 2021
“The end of an era. The time has come to close the doors and hand the keys back to the landlord. A day full of different emotions after what has been a hectic few weeks in selling off all the assets, clearing rubbish, taking down signs, cleaning ‘everywhere’ and reminiscing – twenty years of running the charity with fifteen of them spent at our wonderful premises where we met so many wonderful people and had so much fun. Even in the last few hours, with no seats left to sit on, the phone was still ringing! The place looks so empty and spacious now – almost good enough to set up again! (Sadly not). How did we fit everything in? My heartfelt thanks to you all and to every member of our amazing team – what a journey we have been on!” xxxx
Again, we received hundreds of lovely comments:
“I can’t imagine how you must be feeling. It brought
a tear to my eye just reading your words.”