Page 390 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 390

“What a difficult day this must have been, seeing it all empty after it had been stuffed to bursting with people, tombola prizes, love, laughter and tears... all will echo in the walls for years to come I’m sure. How can such a great charity be forgotten easily?”
“Crazy Hats has been a massive part of my life since 2008. I will miss you all very much – as I have missed you this last year.”
“So emotional for you all today. You have made such a difference to so many lives. I’m so grateful for all the support when I used to bring Mum in.”
“A sad day, I am sure, Auntie Tubby, but you should be so very proud of all the people you have helped over all these years. My Mum can vouch for that. XX”
“Hold on to those wonderful memories. I will never be able to thank you enough for being there, not only for me but for my family too. Without Crazy Hats I wouldn’t have got through my journey so positively.”
“Thank you Crazy Hats for showing me, my Mum and my daughter your friendship and fun for many years, bringing us all together on our breast cancer journeys. I have found my new best friends and lost one special lady. I love them all. We would not have met if Crazy Hats wasn’t there for us so, again, a BIG THANK YOU!”
The Editor of the Northants Telegraph wrote:
“Crazy Hats is one of the County’s most well-known charities Its events are so colourful and fun and it has raised millions of pounds to improve breast cancer care in Northamptonshire.
As a newspaper, we have supported Crazy Hats and its work from the start. We’ve covered all seventeen sponsored walks and reported on all the other major milestones along the way.
But sadly we now bring you the news that Glennis Hooper and her fabulous team at Crazy Hats have decided to call it a day. While we will be sad to say goodbye to these hard-working fundraisers, we feel so proud of all that they have achieved. Every penny of the £3m-plus they have raised has gone to help people in Northamptonshire.
It is an amazing achievement and we just want to say thank you to Crazy Hats and to everyone who has ever supported them for making a huge difference for breast cancer patients and thir families in the county.”
Life after closure
Linda ‘retired’ – but only for a matter of weeks. She now works for the NHS in the Outpatients Department at the Isebrook Hospital in Welling- borough. Tragically, Pauline, her Mum, who had supported everything we did so well, unexpectedly died in April 2021 – we had to watch her funeral via a video link up with the Crematorium. Linda and I remain very good friends and we still get together.
   “What a difficult day this must have been, seeing
it all empty after it had been stuffed
to bursting with people, tombola prizes, love, laughter and tears... all
will echo in
the walls for years to come I’m sure. How can such a great charity
be forgotten easily?” ”

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