Page 401 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 401

in more ways than one.
In time, Cransley Hospice, where she received excellent and
appropriate care, from experienced and trained staff who were so lovely with us all, said that they could no longer keep her and that alternative arrangements would have to be made to care for Marilyn. Sadly, for practical reasons she was unable to return home and her family found her a place at a local Nursing Home.
My special friend, Marilyn, died early in the evening on November 21st 2022.
She died just days after her daughter and grandchildren sadly had to fly back to New Zealand. Sitting at her bedside, along with her other two daughters, I had the privilege of being with her, holding her hand. We understood the inevitable would happen but when the final moment came – it was wholly heart wrenching. This was final. My heart went out to Sophie and Zoe and to Paul. I was distraught. Cancer had taken my best friend – my soulmate. Cancer had taken a wonderful Mum, Nanny, Sister-in-law, Auntie and a dear friend and support to so many... yet I was relieved, for her, that at last, she was free from pain. She was at peace. At that moment I felt everything that every person who loses someone special feels and memories of other and my own losses and grief filtered through those painful moments. I felt lost.
Marilyn had fought such a hard battle. (Many people don’t like to use the word ‘battle’ but what other word is there in cases like this? It was a battle – a fierce battle!) She had fought it incredibly well and for much longer than anyone of us thought, but now she was at peace. Sophie, Zoe and I will always remember ‘Florence’, one of the night nurses on duty. Neither of us had seen her before. When Florence walked in she told us she’d had a ‘calling’ to Marilyn’s room and said she would stay with us for as long as needed. When Marilyn had slipped away, Florence asked if we would like her to pray for Marilyn. Yes, please. Florence knelt on the floor beside Marilyn, placed a small marble cross in her hand and gently prayed – we prayed too. In her prayers she thanked Marilyn for being a wonderful Mum, a wonderful friend, a wonderful person and for all she had contributed to life. It was so, so comforting. Later, when Marilyn had been dressed, a single yellow rose had been placed in her hands along with the cross.
The time before Marilyn’s funeral was a blur. I kept myself busy – writing. Telling people was awful. I chose to go and see Marilyn in the Chapel of Rest and that helped by having 1:1 time with her. I was also humbled and honoured to be able to read my tribute to her at her packed funeral. She would have
Sitting at her bedside, along with her other two daughters, I had the privilege of being with her, holding her hand. ”

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