Page 61 - She's One Crazy Lady!
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win. We were a strong team and had much success in the local ladies’ leagues. Heather was a Primary School teacher and we often met at courses and other school-related events, so our relationship was quite close. I vividly remember her coming to see me at home after I’d had a mastectomy. It was the day we all know as “9/11”. Where were you that day? I had the television on and was watching the live events of what was happening in the USA – the Twin Towers and other notable buildings. As she knocked on my door, the second plane had just hit the second of the Towers. I let her in, of course, but we just sat for what was a few hours and watched the horrors that were evolving.
With our friendship rekindled Heather became very
interested in the early days of Crazy Hats and was keen
to be involved. With her methodical organisational
ways of getting things done and seeing things
through, she was elected to become our chairperson
and valued Trustee – a position she continually kept
until the bitter end. Woe betide any of us who did too much chatting in meetings! Heather certainly kept us in order! Tom, her husband and a wonderful gentleman, was a lifelong and dedicated Mason and he, with many of his fellow Brothers, in many Lodges across Northamptonshire, generously helped us to raise and donate thousands of pounds. Like everyone, who was ever on our committee, both Tom and Heather were amazed at some of things we got involved with, the places we went, people we met and things we did. They were, and still are, treasured close friends, and I owe them a lot – they always had so much belief in what we did and what I wanted for the charity – including my desire to write this book. Their support and patience never faltered.
During my ‘fit’ days, I also tried my hand at squash, playing every Friday lunchtime when I was teaching at Whitefriars Junior School (we had long dinner hours then), I played against a young, newly qualified

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