Page 89 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 89
Onwards and Upwards!!
Despite those dark and difficult days I was awarded my Master of Arts Degree in Professional Studies in Education, having studied for it, in my own time, for the previous two years. I also went on to study for the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) at Cranfield near Milton Keynes. Like the MA degree, which was deemed a necessary requisite to move up the ladder, the Government were now saying that aspiring heads should receive more training and obtain a further qualification. It was an excellent, activity-based course and I gained so many different experiences by being given multiple and varied day-to-day scenarios that Headteachers could be faced with and having to resolve and justify my actions to other course members – there was a lot of role play which, although serious, was fun. My confidence was boosted by being amongst others in a similar position and by having mentors and experienced Headteachers who were with us throughout. This course re-motivat- ed me and gave me the conviction and strength to move on to fulfil my dream.
(Fellow participants and I on the course laughed when we were each presented with a paperweight for our efforts!)
My interesting teaching career may have been put on hold – but only for a short while!