Page 91 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 91

 My ‘bundle of love’... ‘Tigger’
I never thought I would be a cat
lover. My family were never known
as cat lovers. As a youngster, all I
could remember was having rabbits
and our dog, Sambo, who was a
cross between a boxer and, we
think, a Dalmatian, as he was black
and white, with all the features of a
boxer dog, but with a very spotted
belly. Sambo wasn’t really my dog
but the longer we had him, and my “ brother and sisters had left home,
 the more I took him for walks (or he took me!) and looked after him. He was a great dog; we had many adventures and losing him, to cancer, was one of the hardest and saddest moments of my life; more so because I had never seen my Dad so, so emotional. It was one of those experiences in life that, if you have a pet, you have to endure.
In the film, ‘Shadowlands’ the leading actor (Anthony Hopkins) plays the role of an Oxford Don who, in later life, falls in love. He is so happy, until tragedy strikes when the love of his life dies – of cancer. He asks the question, why do we love, if losing hurts so much? To substantiate that thought, he says that we love to know we are not alone. How true such sentiments are! If we thought too much about it we would never keep a pet, as we all know it is very often the case, (and it is important to remember), any pet we have may well go before us. Saying goodbye to a pet is incredibly hard and it can take a long time to come to terms with the loss – it does hurt! In time it does get easier knowing the love for him/her never goes away.
When I left home, at the age of 23, and set up my flat. Lilian and
Saying goodbye
to a pet is
incredibly hard
and it can take
a long time to
come to terms
with the loss. ”

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