Page 79 - MERCIAN Eagle 2020
P. 79

                                Worcestershire & Sherwood Foresters Regimental Association
Lt Col (Retd) Keith Jeavons TD
2020 has been a difficult year, nevertheless the Association has met the new situation head on, and branches have found ways and means of continuing the work of the Association, be it a telephone call or a knock on the door with a bag of ‘goodies’! All these acts of kindness are greatly appreciated by everyone. Worcester Branch was able to commemorate Gheluvelt, albeit in a simpler way than is normal, and other branches have continued with their work quietly but with success.
The regular newsletter, now edited by Mr Dack, continues keeps everyone in touch.
It not only provides us with up-to-date information but also re-minds us of our Regimental history from time to time. It is
at times like the present that the newsletter helps to bind us together for which we are extremely grateful. Although your executive committee has been unable to meet, your secretary has been hard at work ensure that ‘things’ continue to happen, but as always Cindy Clark at Forester House makes sure that they really do! For her help and support we are very appreciative.
 Dudley Branch
Sadly, after a good start to the New Year with belated 2019 Christmas festivities, Dudley Branch became victims of the lockdown and our meetings throughout the year have been severaly curtailed.
Nevertheless, we have endeavoured to keep in contact by various means; telephone calls, emails, cartoon collections, Facebook and a mysterious visit by ‘Santa’ or one of his helpers, with a delivery of a bag of goodies to each member have ensured that spirits have remained high.
And behind all of this, Doreen Bennett, our ever-efficient Secretary and Treasurer ensures that all members are well looked after by spirit, word and deed.
Where she gets her energy from, we do not know but we are indebted to her for all her work for the Branch.
 Dudley Branch celebrating Christmas 2019 at the beginning of 2020
 Message from the Secretary
Maj (Bob) Prophet
Having been Secretary for a year, there should be much to report but, inevitably, life has ground to a halt. Or has it? There is no doubt that the Association is still flourishing despite having had to put
all activities on hold in early 2020 and respect the lockdown - particularly in view of the age of many of our members. All meetings at every level were banned and everyone prepared for a rapid return to normal. It didn’t come so branches started to use their initiative and skill on the computer by holding virtual meetings and discussions by e-mail. The end
of Lockdown One was greeted with
relief and then Lockdown Two hit us. Branches were not fazed by this and have continued to hold virtual meetings with great success. Members have ensured, however, the continuation of each other’s care and welfare by checking on others and initiating a visit or phone call where
necessary. Well done to all for doing this. Amongst other events which suffered the indignity of being cancelled during the year were the annual Regimental Reunion
at Sixways Stadium in Worcester in June and the annual Regimental Pilgrimage to Crich in July. The Association is heavily involved on both occasions but, this year, wasn’t able to parade.
Ronnie Smith, a long-time stalwart of the Executive Committee, has retired as his health has deteriorated. We will
his support, his knowledge, his expertise, his teamwork and his account keeping have kept the Association running so smoothly for all that time that, when an unanswerable question cropped up, the answer was always “Ask Andy”!. Andy, we thank you. We welcome Mike Green in Andy’s place as Treasurer. We are grateful to Cindy Clark for her continued support from Foresters House: she is
still chivvying us along with words of encouragement despite
 miss you, Ronnie, for your
devotion, your common
sense, your good
judgement and, above all,
your Scottish accent! We
welcome Gary Crosby in
Ronnie’s place. Another
member with a Scottish
accent has retired during
the year: Andy McDougall. He has been involved with the Association for a good 20 years, initially in his capacity as Office Manager (Chief Clerk to you and me!)
at RHQ in Foresters House and, latterly after retirement from the Civil Service, as volunteer Treasurer. His unfailing loyalty,
having no staff to help her. Finally, we are delighted that our Chairman, Keith Jeavons, has volunteered to remain as our guiding light and we congratulate our President, Brigadier Peter Dennis, on
his appointment as
Regimental Secretary. The whole country has been affected
by this dreaded virus and normal life has been disrupted. We look forward to meeting up and reminiscing again in 2021, boosting our gatherings with a pint or two of something - just what a Regimental Association is for!
The end of Lockdown One was greeted with relief and then Lockdown Two hit us

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