Page 80 - MERCIAN Eagle 2020
P. 80

 Derby Branch
Alan Derbyshire, Chair
Who would have thought at the beginning of the year we would be in this situation, with all meetings and events cancelled? We at the Derby Branch have continued to maintain regular contact with our members via email, post and telephone, as we are sure all Branches throughout all the regimental associations have done. Our thanks go to those who have kept us informed via the Mercian and WFRA Newsletters of what is happening within the regiment and Associations.
In the absence of organised parades, Remembrance Sunday saw individuals commemorating the day, some at home whilst others attended local Memorials. Jim Price made history by laying a WFR wreath at his home village in Anglesey, the first time this has occurred. Our Standard Bearer, Brian Smith, held his own ceremony at home, doing the honours at 1100 hours, with neighbours looking on. Another of our members, Mick Doyle,
a resident at the War Memorial Village in Allenton put a display outside his house as the ceremony at the memorial was not able to take place.
Obviously in this current climate very little has occurred with the Branch and Association, hence this short report. We look forward with anticipation to the day when we can all meet again. The Derby Branch sends best wishes to all serving members of the regiment, the other Associations, and the staff at RHQs.
Display outside Mick Doyle’s house in the War Memorial Village, Derby
                                 Mansfield Branch
Keith Kenworthy, Secretary
We have had a very sparse time in Mansfield, as I suspect most branches have, due to the infernal virus.
There is only one member of the branch who does not fall into the ‘vulnerable’ category which speaks volumes for recruiting! There have been no branch meetings since March.
The Secretary rings round the members at intervals using the opening gambit ‘just making sure that I haven’t missed your funeral’. Fortunately, this is received in the spirit in which it is intended! The VE and VJ anniversaries saw very brief ceremonies arranged by the District Council that the branch was not able to attend due to attendance restrictions.
‘Just making sure that I haven’t missed your funeral’
However, two members attended our small Regimental Memorial at the Carr Bank Memorial Park on VJ Day to lay a wreath to remember the men of the 5th Bn The Sherwood Foresters in the Far East. Remembrance Sunday saw a very brief ceremony of only 12 people conducted
at the Civic Centre War Memorial. Five wreaths were laid with the traditional bugle calls sounded and silence observed.
A lament was piped by Stuart Gullen who is an ex-member of 3 WFR. The Branch turned out six members to commemorate Armistice Day and to lay three wreaths
at our Regimental Memorial in Carr Bank Memorial Park. We were fortunate to have
Mansfield Remembrance Service Photograph courtesy of Melvyn Pearce
the services of a uniformed Bugler and Drummers from the Mansfield District Corps of Drums to enhance an otherwise Spartan ceremony.
Now we look forward to the end of this lockdown business whilst wondering if things will ever be the same as before. Still, food is not rationed and we are not being bombed or shot at.

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