Page 6 - 2011 AMA Winter
P. 6
Beat the credit Crunch
Many of the discounts that retailers offer our members have
recently been renegotiated and despite the economic hard-
POC – Kris Carrick 01670 522300 x 210
ship that the industry is currently facing, we continue to
UK Pro Price List for AMA Members applies. All orders must be via enjoy excellent support from leading manufacturers and retailers of
the Montane Customer Order Form.
equipment and clothing. Please see details below and note that
these businesses do have access (securely) to the AMA member-
ship database and will know if you’re a paid up member. They will
request your AMA number when you order. The businesses retain
A new scheme is now inplace whereby the mountaineering qualifi- the right to refuse these discounts.
cations and or experience of an individual are assessed by Paramo and then turned in to a sliding scale of discounts within their Pro CHANGES TO AMA DISCOUNT SCHEME
User scheme. As this is a scheme which treats each applicant indi- WITH COTSWOLD OUTDOOR
vidually, you need to speak to Paramo personally. Ring Alex Beau- With immediate effect, the 20% discount code for the AMA at
mont via +44 (0) 1892 786446.
Cotswold Outdoor Ltd is AF-DFMC-P2. The old code (A3000) will
not work anymore. Additionally, YOU MUST BE IN POSSESSION
Most High Streets have one – 10% off with AMA card and your STORE. No card, no discount. Cotswold Stores have a copy of the
AMA card. Cotswold has been particularly supportive of the AMA,
but has had several problems recently with customers attempting
to claim AMA discount in store without cards. The shop staff in
Most High Streets have one of these too – 10% off with AMA card Preston was on the receiving end of some particularly abusive lan-
and your MOD90
guage recently from members of HM Forces attempting to get the
additional AMA discount. Please carry the card and be polite to one
Mountain Equipment (via Magic Mountain shop in Glossop) of our key sponsors. Cotswold is using an intelligent retail manage-
20% discount. Phone Magic Mountain on 0161 3665020 ask for ment system to monitor usage of the new code.
mail order department, quoting your AMA number.
Summit Mountaineering
Terra Nova
Summit run a whole range of walking, scrambling and climbing
They now operate a system similar to Paramo whereby AMA mem- courses from their bases in the Wye Valley and Snowdonia; they
bers need to contact the company direct and set up a Pro User specialise in learn to lead and technical development. 20% discount
account via password. When you then re-log in to the Terra Nova to all AMA members and their families. Call 07896 947 557 info@
site the price list will auto adjust to reflect your discount. Magic !! quoting AMA number. +44 (0) 1773 833300
If you have any issues with the scheme, or know of any other com- PHD / (Pete Hutchinson Designs)
panies willing to offer discount to the AMA, please drop me a line. POC - Emma Harris, can be contacted on 01423 781133 or via the
e-mail address. PHD offer a 25% discount off all standard items to
Lastly, a reminder, please use these discounts for personal pur- the AMA.
chases only!
Tomo Thompson
Beyond Hope – Evolv, Metolius, Prana
Public Relations and Recruitment Officer
and Rock Technologies
Army Mountaineering Association
POC – Lee or Rick 01457 838242
95471 8920
Trade price + VAT + carriage deal to all members of the AMA.
DMM, Crux, Lightwave and Mammut Ropes
Trade price + VAT + carriage deal to all members of the AMA
POC - 01286 873580 Anne Rhodes or Katrina Spinney.
Congratulations to the winner of the Sum- mer 11 Gear Giveaway. Andy Parsons wins a pair of CU Belay Glasses kindly donated by CU Belay Glasses UK. Well done Andy, no more stiff necks then! The glasses nor- mally retail for £95 and can be purchased from
Winter Meet 2011
The MOD have closed all of the AT huts in Scotland as a cost saving measure for the Christmas and New Year stand-down period.Unfortunately,becauseofthis,there will be no AMA Winter Meet this year.
AMA Members requiring developmental training for the Winter award schemes are advised that there is a Winter Concen-
tration for mountaineers and climbers at JSMTW(B) from 5–17 Feb 2012.
Further details and applications are to be made through the usual JSAT process.