Page 3 - The Light Blue Volunteer Journal 2022
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The CO bids farewell to 2Lt Alice Feazey-Noble and 2Lt Walton Knight
Commanding Officer’s Foreword
It gives me great pleasure to introduce this year’s e-journal for the Light Blue Volunteers (LBV). Last year I wrote that like our members, the OTC organisation was recovering from the impact of COVID. As predicted, 2021/22 turned out to be our recovery year where we once gain sought to attract the gaze of students. Unsurprisingly, we found that many were seeking to make up for lost time and missed opportunities. This was and remains a cohort that were denied from attending assumed rites
of passages, including participating in competitive sport. As such, we had a task on our hands in telling students that the OTC was worthy of their time and attention.
Over the last year, CUOTC has gone from strength-to-strength, and we have managed to restore the mainstays of our offer. Our activities and successes are as ever eclectic, a bronze medal
at the Army’s international patrolling competition (Cambrian Patrol); a
leadership weekend at the Tower of London and exclusive speakers from the Field Army telling inspiring tales from the Kabul exodus and the Long-Range Reconnaissance Group’s patrols in Mali. Most gratifyingly we managed to deliver multiple UK and overseas Adventurous Training expeditions to Spain, Chamonix, Mont Blanc and to Corsica. With foundation skills back under our belts and with travel once again more predictable, we are looking forward to more ambitious expeditions beyond the European continent in 2023.
I was also pleased to restore and enhance the LBV social programme
this year. It was wonderful to see
so many former staff members and OCdts at Newnham College. We also welcomed on a balmy night in June over 45 members to drinks and a supper at The RAG - the Army and Navy Club in London. Notably for some attendees this was the first LBV event that they had ever attended. We look forward to putting
another London social event back into the Spring/Summer 2023 calendar – we hope to see you there.
And finally, thank you for your continued support. Your membership contributions are always spent judiciously to reduce the ever-rising costs of activities. It is a testament to the considerable effort and mentorship from CUOTC staff, that last year we had a very high number of OCdts pass the Army Officer Selection Board. We wait with great anticipation to see the amazing things that they will go onto achieve, demonstrating that CUOTC is still relevant and true to our motto – by learning you will lead.
Lt Col Adrian Garrett,
‘By Learning You Will Lead’