Page 100 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2016/17
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  travel across snow-covered crevasses, for more rocky routes normally a more reasonable start time to the day can be had.
Foundation/Training courses are aimed at gaining experience and log days in the environment whilst being led by a suitably quali ed leader/instructor. The Leader/Instructor courses are formal assessment courses of your ability to instruct and teach. It’s during those latter courses you realise the extensive experience and skills required to be at the front, maintaining an
ef cient pace whilst being attached by a rope with two novice students. The environment demands a constant dynamic decision making process about the safest route. Continuous and swift consideration of all factors is key: slope angle, weather, slope aspect, terrain, group ability and even avalanche during these summerperiods.AlpineMountaineeringisarguablythetoughest discipline, with the highest risks, within the JSAT scheme. It is the most demanding, both physically and psychologically, however it can also be the most rewarding.
The key element of the de nition of the Aims of Adventurous Training is “to enhance operational capability though controlled exposure to risk”. A key question is “how does Adventurous Training enhance operational capability and does developmental training play a role in that enhancement? Can teaching Service personnel to climb, ski, kayak, walk up mountains, jump from planes, and dive into the ocean and mountain bike make them better at their jobs? Looking at the outcomes that can easily be quanti ed such as physical capacity, personal administration and navigation skills, to name just a few, the answer is surely yes. However I can now see fellow RAPTCIs telling yourself that “I do that to” and you’d be totally correct! So what else can AT offer? One of our most powerful tools in achieving our goal of enhancing operational capability is using the medium of AT to aid personal developmental skills.
core strength
joint stabilisation
balance proprioception
ultimate performance
less injury 0117 949 8338
Military skiing
During the last 2 years we have all experienced the growth in coaching, mentoring and personal development education within our units and within our roles as members of the RAPTC. Anagrams and analytical models such as L.E.A.D.E.R.S, Intelligent Communication and Johari’s Window have  lled our work spaces and notice boards, in pursuit of enhancing operational capability. Take a look at the man we all inspire to be - the super hero that is James Bond. He’s  t, strong and has exceptional soldiering skills, though he does hold the rank of Commander, so he may be a Navy man! However, this is not the reason he holds his 00 status. The reason he holds his 00 status is his ability to look beyond the norm, to identify hazards and stay calm in the most dangerous of situations. This all pays dividends to his mission outcomes and quest to save the world. Can you imagine the storyline if he couldn’t think for himself or if he were micro-managed throughout his missions? I know what you’re thinking, and you’re correct; ATIs are the ‘James Bond’ of the Corps.
I’m a strong believer that a thinking solider is a more effective solider. The ability to stay calm, think outside the box and lead in high pressure situations plays a great role in operational effectiveness. We spend many hours training the physical and technical aspects of soldiering, as does every athlete, in order to perform. However, we also remember that the physical side
Sgt (SI) D Lamb RAPTC

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