Page 98 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2016/17
P. 98

  Exercise CANICE is based in Trails End Camp (TEC) which is located close to Canmore but far enough from any distractions, which gives the exercise an instant remote Canadian Rocky’s
feeling. CANICE really has a lot to offer Service personnel, not only does the exercise enhance JSAT winter climbing quali cations but also winter skills. Training overseas and experiencing a different type of winter has been invaluable as; Canada’s cold dry winters where -30°C isn’t out of the ordinary, none of your Fahrenheit here!! It provides excellent pure water ice routes, although the ice was extremely brittle, thus making it hard to place an ice screw for protection or that much needed axe placement when moving through the crux of the climb. This environment is very different to a typical cold wet winter in the UK; Scotland in particular. With such a difference in temperature, this makes it even more necessary for winter skills to be slick with the minimum of fuss. Attentive planning and thorough risk management reviews lead to some fantastic ice falls being climbed, such as Professor Falls, Aquarius in the remote Ghost Valley and the Classic “yet scary” climb of Cascade Falls were all climbed throughout the exercise. All of these skills remain transferrable to Scottish winter mountaineering and sets you up for the forthcoming winter session. The highlight of the exercise was completing Cascade Falls, which is a steady grade WI4. Cascade is a route close to Banff and weather permitting has the sun most of the day.
Appreciation. I have experienced cold weather on exercise and on tour but nothing like Canice. Having to operate in such cold challenging conditions really makes menial tasks monumental. Which puts drills, skill, and transitions into perspective; they must be ef cient and slick, you have to keep busy and keep each other moving, every day certainly meets the aims of Adventurous Training!
I have made comment to a few areas of learning that this exercise exposed me to,  rstly, learning to climb on pure water ice routes has totally changed my approach to winter climbing; more sustained routes require calculated movement with the ability to read the ice. The risk of falling in winter conditions can be much
Sgt Charlton taking the lead on Sinatra Falls (Mount Kidd)
more consequential! Secondly, the kit and equipment must be trialed, tested and  t for purpose. Equipment that doesn’t operate at 100% can really affect performance and even put you at risk. Unlike the summer where you can double things up or just get by! Lastly having the capacity to administer yourself and look after others in adverse conditions really does require experience and a high level of ef ciency.
Sgt (SI) G Charlton RAPTC & SSgt (SSI) S Mayled RAPTC
 Development Training is designed for not only newly appointed ATI’s within JSMTC but also for the more experienced members amongst us. Having been assigned to JSMTC
as a newly appointed ATI but already having enough quali cations to deliver foundation courses meant that I could get out teaching from day 1.
Whilst under development training I could teach/instruct but I could also learn which would help when progressing through the JSAT scheme. Firstly I would shadow a course that I was quali ed to deliver to give me an insight of the course, then I would deliver the course whilst being mentored by one of the more quali ed instructors which would give me great experience on how the course’s should be delivered and feedback when necessary. When competent enough to deliver courses on my own I was left to plan the week, deliver the lectures and teach the students. Being developed in this way enhanced not only my knowledge and experience in the various activities but also developed my teaching and learning styles which would pay dividends when going forward through the JSAT scheme.
During my training I have had development and mentoring form some of the most experienced instructors within the Joint Services. I have the chance to develop my climbing all over North Wales and
also in Spain on Ex SPANROCK where I achieved the Rock Multi- pitch Leader award. I gained the experience and con dence to apply for my civilian Summer Mountain Leader course and then work towards my winter mountaineering quali cations.
Sgt (SI) Mills at the top of the Penon
Sgt (SI) Mills RAPTC

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