Page 16 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2016/17
P. 16

Maj (MAA) G M Field RAPTC
2016 has been a vibrant and exciting time for HQ Regional Command (HQ RC). One year in post, the outcomes of A2020R continue to be implemented. It is clear the only
constant is change! And as our structures, manning levels and responsibilities adapt, we see new processes being introduced, alongside much confusion! This has certainly been the case at HQ RC with additional outputs now being directed from this HQ.
The GOC RC now assumes OPCOM to HQs SW & NE Regional Point of Command (RPOC) (previously 1 Arty Bde & 43 Inf Bde), overseas garrisons (ie BFG, BGN and BFB), all UK Station/ Garrison HQs, PRUs & PRCs, Bands and Cadets. This portfolio is likely to expand over the next 12 months.
For the PD branch, we have taken on further responsibilities over the last 12 months. They include, the running of the British Military Contingent of Nijmegen Marches, supporting authority for the new PDA assurance process, administration of the Defence Health & Wellbeing Advisor (DHWA) course. Further changes and budgetary constraints are already on the horizon, so we continue to explore & develop new ways to maintain and achieve our PD outputs. With this in mind, the SMIs have masterfully negotiated these challenges. With the help of Fmn & RPOC staff we have collectively fostered physical training, sport and health throughout the Army.
We have seen just one change in staff, with WO1 (SMI) Paton arriving to replace, the now, Capt Jackson. I would like to thank Capt Stu Jackson for all his hard work and efforts while at Regional Command and wish him all the best at 11 Sig Bde.
WO1 (SMI) S Jackson RAPTC
RC Ops & Engt PD Staff
 Since Tony Phinn returned to work after giving us all a scare he is now louder and has more hair than ever. This meant a return to the SMI PD role in March 16 and becoming
fully immersed into managing the Physical Training Equipment (PTE) budget. With all Army BLBs feeling the squeeze HQ RC PTE budget was no different, leaving the branch to deliver the Field Army’s PTE needs with a signi cantly smaller budget. A key focus for FY 16-17 was the delivery of Wattbikes across the
SMIs Bennett-Jackson-dancing for the crowd
Reserves, with IRO 350 bikes being installed across all Brigades and LONDIST.
Many Regular Units also received signi cant uplift in PTE, with signi cant successes at 16AA Bde HQ, 39 Engr Regt, 1 R Welsh, 21 Sig Regt and 3 Ri es.
HQ RC also delivered the Regional Command Indoor Rowing League (RCIRL 2016-2016), where participation grew dramatically following the  rst season. Nearly 1500 SP across the Army in UK, overseas and on Operations took part in season two. Enormous recognition must go to QMSI Scott Pollock the Chairman, QMSI Southern-Naylor the Media and Comms Secretary, and the Regional Points of contact SSgt Steels, SSgt Welch, SSgt Harrison, Sgt Coleman and Sgt Grif ths. They worked assiduously beyond the call of duty, putting in additional hours outside of the working day to ensure the Social media component got the care and attention required. With nearly 1000 group members in the Facebook group alone it proved a big beast. Its key function was to provide a unique entry system and speci c indoor rowing coaching and advice to all ranks in a positive, friendly environment to breed success.
HQ RC PD Branch has been an incredibly rewarding and positive assignment, one I recommend to anyone wishing to challenge themselves in a busy open plan 2* HQ. Many thanks to all staff and RAPTCIs that supported me in this role, particularly Jana our PD clerk. I look forward to working more closely with some of you when at HQ 11 Signals and West Midlands Brigade as the SO3 PD.

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