Page 22 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2016/17
P. 22
SSgt (SSI) D Newman RAPTC
Ibegan my journey at 2 Medical Regiment eight months ago and time has more than own
by as it seems like only yesterday I started. Coming from RRU Catterick as an ERI into a dual role mainstream post has brought its challenges and at times I wish I had a time machine to t everything in. I have now settled in and have embraced the tempo of the Regiment.
On arrival at the regiment it was
apparent the unit were in full
ow with their training for the
committed year. Due to 2 Medical Regiment being a Hybrid Unit the Reserve element played a big part in the commitments that had to be ful lled. The Reserve elements are spread to the four winds and are a dynamic cohort located in Leicester, Grimsby, Hull and Derby. As the Unit RAPTCI, I am always kept busy with the unique dynamics of the Reserve contingent and am enjoying the interaction with the variety of people and the wide spectrum of experience that the reserve personnel bring to the Regiment.
2016 saw the unit on a demanding training year, however the unit were given the task to provide healthcare on ASKARI SERPENT 2016. During the time on task, they had the chance to undertake Adventurous Training for a number of multi-activity days. This allowed them to further develop as individuals and push themselves to the limit, which they did. Once ASKARI SERPENT was completed and the Regiment had returned to the UK, they started to prepare for the ‘committed year’. During the year the unit saw the opportunity to commence the Commanding Of cer’s Cup. Various challenges have been enthusiastically competed by all members of the regiment. It has been good to watch the two regular Squadrons and Regimental Headquarters compete against each other for bragging rights.
The unit this year (2017), will be covering numerous operational deployments and exercises around the world. In-between all of the various commitments, the unit are still planning leadership building activities and challenges, such as, adventurous training which will be conducted in Scotland. The Commanding Of cer’s Challange Cup will also continue. These challenges are based towards developing and improving existing skills for soldiers so that they may carry this experience over into their retrospective career groups.
I have really enjoyed the past eight months and looking forward to the next two years and the challenges 2 Medical Regiment will bring.
SSgt Newman outside 2 Medical Regiment Gym
Gym Staff North Luffenham RAMC Flag
LCpl Carradus Askari Serpent waterfall absei