Page 41 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2016/17
P. 41

   3Regt RLC has been on a Readiness year which has been an exceptionally busy time for the unit. Exercises have been thick and fast not leaving
much time in the calendar to get things in. Despite this we have had an awesome year with the CO’s Cup and all Sqn’s committing people to take part. This has resulted in 32 Sqn being Victorious winning this year’s cup.
Even at such a busy time the unit has been able to
maintain the 5 day Physical Training package as part
of the normal routine. We now have an additional
indoor location to conduct PT which has helped
immensely, especially when 2 units are looking for
space to conduct sessions. With the change of CO,
Friday’s PT has changed and the CO takes an active part in asking me and my PTI’s to deliver his intent. This has boosted moral and
attendance has never been better, getting the best out of the troops and increasing the development of the JNCO’s who take an active part in these sessions.
The Reconditiong programme continues to deliver and the success rate on returning soldiers back to Sqn PT is above 87%. The relationship with the Rehab and the Gym continues to improve making this possible. Remedial PT has been re-vamped and now sits better for the Sqns and helps improve the capability. This can only be done as we have a high number of PTI’s who take an active interest in their training and deliver fantastic results.
Numbers for non-swimmers are dropping with the non-swimmer training programme in full swing. To have the support of the White Horse Leisure Centre has made this possible.
SSgt (SSI) A D Walker RAPTC
(1ST Bn Royal Gurkha Ri es & HQ Brunei Garrison)
SSgt (SSI) R Remmer RAPTC
Askari Storm
The  rst part of this reporting year saw 1 RGR embark on Ex Askari Storm (BATUK). Aside from the usual Military aspects I was required to organise an exped for 14 members of the Battlegroup to ascend Mount Kenya and to manage the community engagement project. Both of these projects were a success with those undertaking the Mount Kenya exped being awarded a Summer Mountaineering Foundation (SMF) quali cation. The community engagement project required the Battlegroup to raise funds for a local Kenyan school called Gir Gir and provide some aid with these funds. The
Battlegroup prior to deploying to Kenya managed to raise funds in excess of £4000 through various charity runs, raf es and local business support in Brunei. The results from this meant we were able to fund the construction of an outdoor cooking building and purchase sporting equipment, books, stationary and many more items.
Wallace Memorial
The Wallace Memorial Trophy is a weeklong sports competition which involves all personnel from BFB taking part in seven sports.

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