Page 44 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2016/17
P. 44
1GG Inter Company BAWF Competition
On the Sporting Stage the Battalion has entered many competitions and leagues across UK South Region. The Battalion have established football, rugby, golf and BAWF teams which are slowly growing interest and going from strength to strength.
We also continue to run robust Commanding Of cer Physical Training alongside some Inter Company Sports Competition’s, Cross Country and British Army Warrior Fitness.
Now we have completed the various exercises we will be looking forward to further CT2 and some Battalion led exercises in the upcoming months as the Battalion develops its capability to deploy wherever required. The Battalion will also focus on supporting where possible, individuals / companies / teams to conduct both Sport and AT.
1GG CO PT Cross Country
As I sit and write these notes re ecting on this time last year, I was completing 22 years colour service and starting the next career chapter at the Bde under an Full Time Reserve Soldier (FTRS) contract. Like most people who leave the RAPTC, it seems sad to be leaving with a plethora of experience including the ERI quali cation which is always being requested by the CoC. However I must say this job is nothing short of brilliant, we have around nineteen RAPTCI’s and an abundance of AAPTI’s that support and attend distributed training we provide. The ability to foresee problems and provide logical solutions in support of the RAPTCI’s on the ground is well received and extremely rewarding.
Bde life is so diverse and not just PD focused, for example in the last year in addition to the day to day re ghting, we found ourselves involved in UK Ops training, deploying on Exercise Flying Falcon 16, organising Bde staff training days, AT and conducting PT sessions for the local cadet/ college groups.
WO2 (QMSI) Foley – Photo taken post tour of Shropshire ride with the 11SIGX
Assurance and MS continues to be the main focus, getting out and engaging with the Regional Regional Point of Command (RPOC) Regular and Reserve units in the AOR by conducting PDA’s was well received. Key to this was the engagement with the RAPTCI’s and the RAPTCI’s (V) whom Capt (MAA) Hames reports on.
The Bde continues to promote PT at all levels from the top down. I witnessed rst-hand how committed the Command Group are at reducing non-attendance, promoting MATT 2 testing and providing support for those injured or deconditioned wanting to return to mainstream PT. There continues to be an abundance of sport and AT going on within the Bde. This year saw group’s away skiing, road cycling, battle eld studies, race to the sun, Lanyard trophy and the FTC march and shoot competition. On top of this, we are in a prime location being in striking distance of Snowdonia National Park to utilise the Unit Authorised Adventurous Training (UAAT).
UK Midlands Sport continues to grow, in the last year we held two UKSMB meetings that were well attended by the units across the whole of
1GG CO PT Cross Country Prize Giving