Page 46 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2016/17
P. 46
My year began under the assumption I’d be assigned to the ASPT Course Design Cell (CDC) for the next 3 years, sat behind a desk bashing a keyboard daily. This wasn’t to
be and sadly I was informed I’d be short touring. My remaining time was spent as the Authorised Demander (AD) and the go to man for all DII issues. I did however still nd time to support an AT exped to the Dolomites in Italy and instruct on the ASPT ski exped.
Having bid farewell to the team in the CDC, I was now on my way to the 16th Signal Regiment in Stafford and my rst posting to a eld force unit. The role had been gapped for a short period however ‘Big Richy’ Richardson had left me a great train set to play with. This along with the support and company of an additional two RAPTCIs (SSgt McMullen WO2 Allen) in adjacent of ces, the banter was erce.
A rare smile from SSgt Ash Stoby
The Regiment like any other are busy and my arrival was timed perfectly with the start of the COs Cup (Nine events over the course of the year of which I was tasked to conduct four). The CO also wanted to reinvigorate the Commanding Of cer’s Run and having just hosted a Midlands Cross-Country race at MOD Stafford, I had the route and admin tucked away in my back pocket!
Looking forward to 2017 my diary is swiftly lling up with CPD at the ASPT, an Army FA basic referee course and a squash tour to South Africa to name a few. In addition to day-to-day duties there are also AT Expeds, Race the Sun, Lanyard Trophy, Morrison Cup and a soldier development day, all of which I aim to provide a positive input towards and partake where time permits.
SSgt (SSI) A Stoby RAPTC