Page 91 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2016/17
P. 91

    Sightseeing at the Army XC relays
‘Rowing Dude’ or ‘Rowing Chick’ mug. However, towards the end of the month I think people walk the long way around the Gym to avoid me persuading them to ‘do it for the team’. With the great support that Sgt Garrett and the team gave me, I even managed to get away for some Biathlon and Nordic instructing on the AMS camp in Norway and Corps representation at the Army & GB Champs in Ruhpolding.
With more change ahead for Southwick Park, the relocation of DSPG is still uncertain. So in the mean time we jog on! I’m off to London District early 2018 on promotion to WO1. This post has been fantastic and I thank the Staff very much for all their professionalism and support.
Great South Run Team
Capt (MAA) L Sawyer RAPTC
The Army is facing several challenges as its trained numbers drop. Following a tranche of redundancies and a strengthening economy we have seen our overall trained numbers drop below that of our liability. This isn’t the  rst time this issue has come about and historically there are some lessons to be learned and levers to be pulled. HQ ITG is doing all that it can within its resources to achieve ef ciencies in training and overall pass rates. When the economy is strong the challenges posed to the recruiting machine are real so training in will feature as a key theme. Since picking up the mantle from Capt (MAA) Will Pacter RAPTC as the SO3 G7 I have been busy ensuring the successful delivery of a Pre- Conditioning Course that facilitates training those who fail in one or more of the key selecting standards for the British Army. This is one such initiative that has been initiated on previous occasions and appears to be providing success as we see the second set of candidates completing it; most successfully. Since the greatest reason for failure in basic training comes from recruits Discharging As Of Right (DAOR) and from those that fail the Initial Medical Assessment it suggests that the better prepared they are prior to commencing basic training, the better their chances of success.
Along with the daily routine of  elding questions from our delivery units the G7 cell is also discharged with the responsibility for assuring the training that is delivered IAW the Common Military Syllabus. Following its re-write in 2014 the time has come to complete a full review of the CMS which we are looking forward to getting involved with; informing how we are moving towards a PD delivery structure that focuses on all of the components of  tness and perhaps less on endurance based activities. Working in a 1* HQ that is primarily focussed on training provides a dynamic environment and one which is rich in experience. Learning from the other HQ SMEs and our sub group leads is an opportunity and a privilege. The HQ is not all staff work and assurance; I was lucky enough to deploy on a skiing expedition to Val Thorens to complete SF3 which was remarkable and provided me with the opportunity to meet the training teams from the ATRs.
SO3 Ski Touring towards gaining SF3
Biathlon – ‘Bayonets ready

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