Page 21 - Out Birding Spring 2023
P. 21

A Small Breakthrough
For many years I have doing a bi-annual Breeding Bird Survey (BBS). My square is predominately a large retail and leisure park which, over the years, has expanded to the extent that it is now almost all concrete. When the major part of the building was happening I was sure that the variety of birds I had been recording would be seriously reduced. However, as part of the re-landscaping, water courses were dug to deal with the marshy nature of the ground. When the dust se􏰀led (literally) I found that my range of birds had expanded to include species such as Reed and Sedge Warbler.
The owners of the site, Vangarde, put a sign on the perimeter fences apologising for the unkempt nature of the area, with a nod to it being good for wildlife. There was a phone number and the usual invita􏰁on to contact them if one “had concerns”.
I phoned the number on the sign, had a long and friendly chat with a young woman and I told her about the BBS. She was very interested when I told her that the un􏰁dy environment was suppor􏰁ng a greater variety of birds than I had previously recorded. I suggested to her that the signs should be celebra􏰁ng the fact that the landscaping was benefi􏰁ng wildlife and that it was something to be proud of, not apologise for. She said that it wasn't in her power to do anything about the signage but that she would take it further. My cynical side said, "Don't hold your breath."
During my visit last year I was delighted to no􏰁ce the sign shown below. I'd like to think that it was my phone call that prompted the change but also pay tribute to the young woman who had never before heard
of a bird survey but who was genuinely
interested in what I had to say and obviously did follow up the subject with Vangarde.
I passed on this story to my other bird club, York Ornithological Society, and it has been used to support local projects which are encouraging housing associa􏰁ons and the local council to allow their landscaping to be more natural.
Not Just Cryptic Quiz Answers
Mynah Harrier Dove Partridge Hawk Petrel Peacock
Stork Swallow Eagle Blackbird Nigh􏰁ngale Teal Mallard
Rook Wren Bluebird Wagtail Falcon Dipper

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