Page 7 - Out Birding Spring 2023
P. 7

Not forge􏰀ng a Robin, making light of the dank condi􏰁ons, on the walk back. As we neared the Centre the smell of woodsmoke was very welcoming and we were soon cosy and being well looked a􏰂er by the Centre staff. From the window of the café, we added: Long-Tailed Tit, Crow, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Pheasant, Magpie, Chaffinch, Marsh Harrier, House Sparrow.
A count of 41 birds making the wet coats, hats and boots very worthwhile. Thanks to Chris & Mar􏰁n our intrepid leaders and for the company of Helen, Janet and Terri. Peter
Llanfairfechan 12/11/2022
Saturday 12 November was a glorious day, and perfect for a walk to watch birds along the Welsh Coast. Seven of us gathered at the Beach Pavilion Cafe, some with bacon sandwiches just to set ourselves up for the walk
We followed the shore path heading
towards Bangor, one of our first spots
was a female Eider Duck, there were
also Great Crested Grebe in winter plumage off shore. As we con􏰁nued, we were greeted with large flocks of Oystercatcher & Curlew mixed in with Dunlin and Knot, Black and Bar-tailed Godwits. Lapwing and Redshank.
The ducks we saw included Teal, Wigeon, Pintail and Shoveler in the pools, and a nice spot was a Red-breasted Merganser. Taking a more inland route back, Stonechat were spo􏰃ed. Some of us caught sight of a seal close to the shore when we were soon back to the cafe for our tea and cake.
Thanks to Paul, Lulu, Jan, Angela, Alan and Jan for coming along. Carl
RSPB Medmerry 12/11/22
Six of us met at the Pagham Harbour RSPB centre in November sunshine and trans- ferred to the Earnley car park at Medmerry. A Pied Wagtail flew across as we set off and once out on the farmland we began to see Kestrel, Skylark, Stonechat and Mead- ow Pipit. A group of Redwing flew over. In one large field Purple Tansy had been planted as a cover crop and the birds and bees were certainly reaping the benefits and enjoying themselves.
We saw Yellowhammer, Reed Bun􏰁ng and Linnet perched in the bushes. At the S􏰁lt Pool Lapwing, Canada Goose, Wigeon, Teal, Shoveler, Mallard were all abun-
dant. We saw a couple of Pintail, a Li􏰃le Egret and a Li􏰃le Grebe. One Black-tailed Godwit was seen. There were three Tu􏰂ed Duck diving together and with them a single Long-tailed Duck, perhaps the bird of the day for us! We spent some 􏰁me

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