Page 5 - Out Birding Spring 2023
P. 5

As expected, the fields were full of Barnacle Geese as we made our way to the first hide. We sheltered in here a while enjoying the masses of ducks, including Pintail and Shoveler. As we le􏰀 the hide a flock of Golden Plover came in and landed with the Lapwing. We had a good wander around the reserve and amazingly the rain held off. We finished back at the visitor centre where the bird feeders allowed close views of the small birds, including Tree Sparrow, Yellowhammer and Linnet.
We then took a back road to Southerness for more flocks of barnies. At Southerness we made the short walk to the lighthouse but it was very blustery with big waves pre- ven􏰁ng any scanning of the Solway. A flock of Turnstone flying over the rocks was about it for the birds here, so we moved on to Carsethorn in the hope that the sea here would be more sheltered. It was, but there were few birds on the water. A flock of Ringed Plover zipped past but the wind and the gloom meant thoughts had moved on to warmth and coffee. We bought our coffees in the local hotel. Shame the staff were about as sunny as the weather! Back at the house we had a lovely Sunday dinner – many thanks to Neil and Jim for that.
On the Monday morning most of us were keen to do something before we went our separate ways as the weather was much improved, so we made a trip to WWT Caer- laverock. Whilst enjoying the close-up views of the swans and ducks in the main hide we saw a flock of barnies land in a nearby field. We wandered across for a closer look as amongst them was a peculiar looking thing that was an apparent Barnacle Goose x Ross’s Goose hybrid. From another hide we enjoyed nice views of some Snipe and added Black-tailed Godwit to our trip list.
A􏰀er saying goodbye to Jules and Gloria, the remaining three of us walked out to the tower hide that overlooks the saltmarsh. Most birds were miles away but some pa- 􏰁ent scanning revealed a Peregrine sat on a fallen tree and, best of all, a Great White Egret (s􏰁ll an uncommon bird in Scotland).
Many thanks to everyone for your company on an enjoyable weekend. Graeme
Barnacle Geese: Jules Hill

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