Page 3 - Out Birding Spring 2023
P. 3

What Birds of Prey?
Below are descrip􏰀ons of 8 raptors found in the UK. No owls. What are they?
1. Where: Coastal cliffs and some towns in North and SW England, Wales & Scotland.
Descrip􏰀on: Medium size. Slate-grey above and white with black bars below, white throat and cheeks, and a black moustache and mask.
2. Where: Grassland, farmland and woodland across the UK.
Descrip􏰀on: Medium size. Brown plumage, broad wings and a short tail.
3. Where: Grassland, heathland and some􏰀mes towns across the UK. Descrip􏰀on: Small. Grey head, grey tail with dark banding, gingery-brown back, creamy, speckled underside.
4. Where: Reedbeds in East Anglia, East Yorkshire, Somerset and the South East.
Descrip􏰀on: Large. Males are brown above, ginger underneath, with grey, black-􏰀pped wings. Females are chocolate-brown with a golden-yellow crown and throat.
5. Where: Moorlands and coastal marshes in England, Wales and Scotland. Descrip􏰀on: Small. Males are blue-grey above, cream with black streaks be- neath. Females are grey-brown with dark streaking.
6. Where: Wetlands in Scotland, Northumberland, Cumbria, Wales and East Midlands in summer.
Descrip􏰀on: Large. Dark above and white below, with angled wings that show dark patches.
7. Where: Variety of habitats, including gardens, across the UK.
Descrip􏰀on: Small. Males have blue-grey backs and white underparts with orange barring. Females are brown above, with grey barring underneath.
8. Where: Breeds on upland moors (rare in England); winters on coasts, heath- land and farmland across the UK.
Descrip􏰀on: Medium. Females are brown above and streaked below, with a
white rump and banded tail. Males are blue-grey with black wing 􏰀ps.
Answers on p 15

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