Page 2 - Out Birding Spring 2023
P. 2

4-12 Event Reports 12-14 Events at a Glance
15 Zoom Talks
16 View from the Chair
17 GGT14 Survey Results
Reorganisa􏰀on of Regions
18-19 Sabine’s Gull in Kent
20 Swapping Ireland for Aussie Trip
21 A Small Breakthrough
22 Regional Contacts
23 Commi􏰁ee Members
Cover: Spo􏰁ed Flycatcher: Louise Everard Back cover: All named and credited
I hope 2023 has been kind to you so far and that your plans for it reach frui􏰀on. The GBC moves forward with a new Chair and a comprehensive programme of events which can certainly provide many days out in lovely places.
Our “Calendar Girls”, Eva and Sue, were lucky enough to have more photos than they needed for the calendar and passed them on to me. Some are adorning both the front and back covers of this edi􏰀on. Thanks to everyone who sent them in.
The events that took place in the last quarter of 2022 are well reported, make good reading and cover 8 full pages (4- 12). These are closely followed by a very long list of events to come from now un􏰀l the end of May (12-14). As usual they take us from the Highlands of Scotland to the south coast with some- thing on offer every week of the year.
On the subject of the Highlands, towards the end of last year the commi􏰁ee sent you all a ques􏰀onnaire about possible loca􏰀ons for our 30th Anniversary Grand Get Together in 2025 with one op􏰀on being Speyside. An analysis of the results are on page 16.
Our new Chair, Andy Webb, sent his View from the Chair from Antarc􏰀ca where he will be for the next few weeks. Check out his photo!
Your commi􏰁ee works con􏰀nuously behind the scenes to ensure the smooth running of things. One of the recent issues under discussion concerned the ongoing lack of a Regional Contact for Kent. The ma􏰁er has been resolved and is reported on page 17.
I received two ar􏰀cles without having to ask, which always pleases me! Dorothy takes us to the warmth of Australia and its wonderful birds. Mary has wri􏰁en about a juvenile Sabine’s Gull which she encountered in Kent. Her ar􏰀cle is both interes􏰀ng and informa􏰀ve. Each piece comes with beau􏰀ful photographs.
As well as my usual duo of quizzes, I have shared with you an experience I had while doing a bird survey and its unexpected consequences. I hope you find it interes􏰀ng.
As the days lengthen, I wish you good birding.
Copy date for the next edi􏰀on is 1st April 2023
 Views expressed in OB are the views of the contributors and are not necessarily shared by the editor, commi􏰁ee or members of the GBC.

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