Page 6 - 1RHA 2022
P. 6
1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery
A Battery
(The Chestnut Troop) RHA Lt G Weil RHA
As the Battery returned to work after a prolonged but much deserved period of summer leave, there continued to be a period of adjustment as the Battery found the new normal following the COVID-19 Pandemic. No rest for the wicked though – the programme for the year was filling up quickly and everyone was ready and raring to get started.
The Battery’s past year has seen us complete a huge range of tasks. We have had personnel deploy to France, Canada, Bel- gium, and Germany as well as deploying on multiple UK exer- cises and we have delivered against NATO and UK readiness commitments. Moreover, the Battery has seen successes across a range of sports from Rugby to Boxing and has grasped the limited opportunities to conduct AT. Despite ups and downs throughout the year, the Battery was able to keep spirits high and has achieved an impressive amount demonstrating breadth and professionalism.
As the autumn term got under way, the focus was on the Bat- tery’s support to Ex ARIES STORM and the potential to deploy on a Military Aid to the Civilian Authorities (MACA) task in support of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) during the extraction of personnel from Afghanistan. In the end only Gnr Cooper deployed on the MACA, where he fulfilled a really important role in a very high-pressure scenario. For the rest of the Battery, Ex ARIES STORM dominated September with 30 members of the Battery deploying on the exercise. The aim was to support the 3XX Offensive Support Group; validating its ability to mass, integrate, execute, and sustain joint effects across the divisional battlespace. In parallel, Busaco Troop took part in User Acceptance Trials for the new Joint Fires Synthetic Trainer – this was not only an excellent opportunity to test the new equipment but also provided time for dedicated Tac Group training. To round out a busy first month back, the Battery was treated to a visit from Gnr Artingstall, fresh from her success at the Tokyo Olympics. She even brought along her bronze medal.
The pace of life didn’t let up through October and November. Members of the Battery deployed on another MACA task, this
LBdrMcCarthy vs RSO
time on Op CUSTOM HOUSE, helping the Home Office in the collection of Afghan resettlement data in London. Simultane- ously, Busaco Troop deployed onto Salisbury Plain with 5 RIFLES for the Army Warfighting Experiment, testing some cutting-edge technology and how it could be used by the Army – a little win- dow into the future. Not to be outdone, the Gun Group were just as busy, building up to and then conducting live firing in support of the FST Commanders’ Course. This was the first live firing for the gun group in a while, but it didn’t show, they received high praise from the Brigade Commander for their performance. With all this going on, Capt Gregory was collecting silver for the Battery; winning the RA plate and novice squash com- petition.
Before we knew it, we were into December with Christmas com-
ing around quickly. The
month started with a
massive coup – a huge team
Gnr Artingstall with her Olympic Bronze medal