Page 8 - 1RHA 2022
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ing bomb in the Second World War however the ruined walls and interior remain under a large exterior structure to protect it from the elements) there was a very competitive inter-troop football tournament which saw Busaco troop victorious. In the evening The Battery visited the Royal Artillery Memorial in Hyde Park before retiring to the Cavalry and Guards Club for a formal dinner, a thoroughly enjoyable experience for all involved and an honour to welcome back several former members.
March saw 40 members of the battery deploy on Ex CHESTNUT BLIZZARD in Val Thorens, France. For several soldiers, it was their first taste of skiing, and they were aiming to pass the Ski Foundation 1 qualification. Gunner Ramosemoce had never skied before and by the end of the week he was making it look easy. Those with a little more experience faced the further challenge of ski touring, ultimately gaining their SF2 qualification. An enjoy- able week was had and a great opportunity for people to conduct overseas adventurous training for the first time since the COVID- 19 pandemic.
The period post Easter leave saw a renewed focus on our core business. Between May and July, The Battery deployed two Fire Support Teams to Canada on Ex PRAIRIE TORNADO in support of 5 RIFLES. The exercise provided an invaluable opportunity to deploy on an overseas exercise and integrate with the rest of the 5 RIFLES Battlegroup. The teams were put through their paces conducting live fire tactical training and BCS integrated within the rifle company. Bdr Tabbener stepped up seamlessly as FST Comd and it was during this time the good news came through that he had been selected for promotion to Sergeant.
The Chestnut Troop were also the lead for planning and delivery the regimental ALDP courses in May. Capt Parsons, Capt Jobbins and SSgt Chadd ran the courses, while a number of the Battery’s SNCO’s instructed. The team found the new ALDP programme far more restrictive than previous cadre courses which affected their freedoms in the planning but despite this they delivered a challenging and enjoyable course which tested the leadership skills of all participants.
27 May saw the handover of Command of the Battery from Major Greg Treasure to Major Ali Smith. In his typical understated way Maj Treasure said a few words before stepping away. The Battery are incredibly grateful for the immense effort Maj Treasure put into command – he was a caring, dedicated and loyal Battery Commander.
1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery
Medals Parade
Medals Parade