Page 9 - 1RHA 2022
P. 9

1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery
    Medals Parade
Tug of War Team, Braemar
Throughout June and July, 16 Chestnut Troop soldiers led by Sgt Shaw deployed to Belgium on Project SPRING GENERATION to prepare M109 Howitzers for use by the Ukrainian forces in the defence of their country. Thanks to the long and intensive hours put in by the team and the deployment of an extra team led by SSgt Chadd, the task was completed earlier than predicted. This was an immensely rewarding and humbling task for those involved and a chance to deliver genuine operational output. For those back in the UK the Regiment managed to “squeeze” in a saluting gun course, sending a contingent to march on the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Parade, an Op TEAMWORK stand- down, multiple driving courses and a regimental medals parade on families’ day. Despite the crazy pace of life, the families’ day allowed us to pause, take stock and thank those close to us for their support.
The unavoidable implication of SPRING GENERATION was that the fleet would not be ready in time for Ex DYNAMIC FRONT in Grafenwoehr in July. The exercise was a multinational live fire artillery exercise, with elements of the American, German, Slo- venian, Czech, and Polish militaries involved. Disappointingly the full Battery was not able to deploy for live firing, but we sent out a command post detachment to contribute to the Regimen- tal LOCON. Despite some challenges, the exercise gave junior members of the Battery their first chance to deploy on a large overseas exercise and provided useful exposure to how other NATO forces work. Bdr Hodgkinson impressed the Americans so much that she was presented with a certificate of commendation. On completion of the exercise those deployed were joined by a small contingent from back in the UK for some AT. Staying in the Drei Muehlen Lodge in the Bavarian Alps presented a range of activities to get involved in including hillwalking, climbing, and
Medals Parade
Gnr Cooper Promotion to LBdr
kayaking; plus, the chance to explore Munich. An enjoyable end to the exercise.
With the reduced scale of Ex DYNAMIC FRONT, the Battery made the assumption that there may be space in the programme to conduct some low-level training. It turns out white space is a fallacy – no sooner had we planned the training, it had to be cancelled because our commitment as one of the Army’s United Kingdom Standby Battalions (UKSB) was brought forward. This brought a flurry of activity to conduct all the training in limited timelines. The training included everything from ranges to flood defence training and armed police integration training. On com- pletion of the training, the Battery was deemed ready to be used by the government for MACA tasks or Op TEMPERER in the event of a terrorist arrack. It was a sprint to the finish line, but on completion, the Battery was able to go on two weeks of hard- earned leave.
Summer leave was less relaxing for a few members of the Battery who travelled to Braemar in Scotland to take part in the Braemar Games Tug of War competition. Bdr Smith, LBdr Hayman, LBdr Reid and Gnr Johnson represented the Regiment, competing in front of 18,000 people including Royalty. After a colossal effort they finished 3rd, an impressive result in the most prestigious competition on the calendar.
A varied but rewarding year ended as busy as it started. Notwith- standing what has, at times, been an exhausting pace of activity, the Battery is looking forward to a series of exciting exercises in the new term. With Ex STEEL DRAGON, Ex CYPHER ISLES, live firing on Ex CYPHER DAGGER and then deploying to Japan on Ex VIGILANT ISLES there is lots to look forward to.

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