Page 36 - Cadet Review Summer 2023
P. 36
By Cadets Emily Gerrard, Skylar Bedford, Amelia Morrison, Jake Nutt, Kian Marriott and Cadet Flight Sergeant Samuel Hughes
The Bronze practice expedition was a really enjoyable experience. We learnt new skills and made lots of new friends from around the Wing, whilst forming stronger bonds with others from 866 (Immingham) Squadron.
Before we went on the expedition, we were trained on how to navigate in theory, how to pack our bags and anything else that we needed to know by Cadet Warrant Officer Michael Lowe. This happened on squadron parade nights, and prepared us to undertake the real thing!
We would be camping near Pickering in the North Yorkshire Moors, and once we arrived we began by discussing some of what we would be doing over the weekend. We pitched our tents and prepared to set off on a long walk, around 9 kilometres.
Along the way, we learnt some new navigation skills such as taking bearings, using landmarks to figure out our location and how to plan our route for the day. This prepared us for the walk on Sunday, where we would be remotely supervised by the CWO.
After having lunch, we started to walk towards our campsite. The way back was much more of a challenge - it consisted of many hills and inclines; making it difficult for some members of the team. As a group however, we managed to push through the challenge and reach our destination. Members of our team spent the evening talking and playing sports with people from other squadrons. We found this enjoyable as we were able to get to know our friends better whilst we met people from all around our local area!
On the next day, we were allowed a lot more freedom and were given a route by our leader. We were tasked to put together a route card and started walking! We met up with the CWO at a few checkpoints along the way to ensure our safety and that we hadn’t got lost! As with the previous day we found the walk a challenging way to push ourselves, however we all worked together and helped each other to successfully complete the practice expedition.
Over the entire weekend, we walked 18 kilometres and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves; learning new skills and developing our core values. We can’t wait for the Qualifying Expedition in the next few months!
In addition to 866 Squadron; cadets from across the Wing were also training with their dedicated instructors, from 1324 (Hawker Blackburn), Lawnswood, 886 (Ripon) and they are also seen out on the hills learning new skills.
By Flight Sergeant Sam White
Cadets and staff from 1224 (Wharfedale) Squadron recently attended an event to mark the centenary of the unveiling of the Burley-in-Wharfedale war memorial.
Exactly 100 years to the day, the service was a replica of the service that was conducted back in 1923.
The Squadron Band lent its support by playing the National Anthem and with Corporal James Roberts playing the Last Post and Reveille. Following the service the band also played a few more marching pieces for the gathered crowd.