Page 105 - Mercian Eagle 2014
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                                  Derbyshire ACF
Derbyshire Cadets in Commemoration Honour
The 12th of August became a memorable occasion for cadets and adults from Derbyshire Army Cadet Force who had the immense honour of parading at the Last Post ceremony at The Menin Gate, Ypres, Belgium. This ceremony takes place every evening in memory of the fallen of World War One. Taking part is an experience that they will never forget.
During the ceremony, the firemen of Ypres sounded the last post as they do every evening at 20:00 hours. Our Commandant, Colonel Chris Young, laid a wreath on
behalf of Derbyshire ACF and led the epitaph. Following the ceremony members of the public, including ex-servicemen, complimented the cadets on the parade.
Cadet Corporal Jake Anderson said: “I was very honoured to be there, particularly as 2014 is the centenary of the start of World War One”. Corporal James Hill added “It was an honour and a privilege. The journey was long and it was an early start but it was worth every minute”. Cadet Corporal Simpson added “the atmosphere was one of mourning and respect while also being uplifting”.
Lieutenant Colonel Mark Watson, who led the parade with CSMI Ian Powell, said: “This was a truly memorable day for all of those involved from Derbyshire ACF. Our day started with an excellent battlefield
tour where we had the chance to walk
in the footsteps of those brave men one hundred years ago. Major John Cotterill a military historian and former member of the Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters and Mercian Regiments brought it all to life for us with particular relevance to our parent regiment. The parade and service at Tyne Cot Memorial was impeccably performed by all involved. It was particularly moving for those who have not had the opportunity to visit the memorial before.”
Derbyshire Cadets Annual Camp Report
August was a busy month for Derbyshire ACF with the county moving to
Crowborough Camp for ten days for this year’s Annual Camp. Over 350 cadets enjoyed the wide variety of activities available during the camp; including use of the indoor and barrack ranges, kayaking, mountain biking, abseiling as well as regular syllabus lessons on first aid, skill-at-arms, map, compass and drill.
Inter-company competitions were held
in Tug o War, Football and Volleyball. ‘Boxercise’, a combination of energetic music and boxing exercises proved extremely popular again with the cadets with PI Andy Dables being in great demand with extra sessions requested!
During Annual Camp, Derbyshire ACF were also proud to receive new standards, presented by Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant of Derbyshire, Mr. Willie Tucker.
This year we saw an unprecedented 81 cadets take part in 3-Star training/testing. At this stage cadets spend extended periods out of camp on exercise, with activities supported by the Cadet Training Team and Mercian Regiment Regimental Support Team. Extensive use was made of Lydd Ranges and for some cadets this was their first experience firing the Light Support Weapon.
For 34 cadets their experience at
camp was topped-off by a visit to some
of the First World War battlefields key to
the history of the Notts and Derbyshire Regiment, with vivid descriptions of the fighting around Ypres given by Major Cotterill. The visit concluded with cadets parading during The Last Post Ceremony at The Menin Gate.
Altogether a hugely enjoyable and intense experience for all involved – roll on next year!

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