Page 116 - Mercian Eagle 2014
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                                 114 THE MERCIAN EAGLE
The Friends of
The Mercian Regiment Museum (Worcestershire)
by Andrew Oddy
The Friends of The Museum, started some years ago by John Lowles, have been revived and the first AGM was held on Thursday 13th March 2014. Sixteen Friends were welcomed by the chairman, Lt Col Keith Jeavons, who explained that a committee had been formed and that its composition would be put to a ballot at the 2015 AGM. The Secretary and acting Treasurer, Maj Bob Prophet, gave a brief report on the accounts and the Curator, Dr John Paddock, informed the meeting about an important, and possibly unique, early 19th Century 36th Regiment of Foot belt plate which had been offered to the Museum. Following
a short discussion,
a motion to make a
contribution towards
the purchase of the belt
plate from the Friends’
funds was approved.
The belt plate has
since been acquired
with the additional help of a grant from the fund administered by the Victoria and Albert Museum for assisting non-National Museums to make important purchases.
Following the AGM, Lt Col Brian Clarke delivered an illustrated lecture on “The 29th Foot in the Peninsular War: the 1808 campaign from First Blood to Battle
Honours”. He explained how, in August 1808, an expeditionary force under the command
of Lt Gen Sir Arthur Wellesley landed at the mouth of the Mondego River in Portugal. Moving south towards
Lisbon, Wellesley defeated Delaborde at Roliça on 17th August before turning to the mouth of the Maceira river to protect the landing of reinforcements. On 21st August,
The lecture room in Dancox House was packed with over 50 Friends...
L to R: Lt Col Brian Clarke, Lt Col Keith Jeavons, Maj Dick Fox who gave the vote of thanks

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