Page 114 - Mercian Eagle 2014
P. 114

                                    Finally, the summer saw two major events take place. Firstly there was a successful central Annual Camp at Penally run by 160 Bde. 65 cadets attended and enjoyed a wide variety of well-run activities. The contingent especially distinguished itself on the Range.
Following this during the summer holidays a Senior Cadet Instructor Cadre for a further 20 cadets was run by the Contingent at Leek Training Area. These more able Year 11 and 12 cadets are the third cohort to follow this course and there has definitely been
Charlie fire team on the move at Leek
an improvement in the standard of Cadet Instructor which obviously has a beneficial knock on effect for the younger cadet.
Leek is an area not often used by
the Contingent. However its farmhouse complexes and arduous terrain made it an excellent venue for the SCIC. I am sure we will be paying a return visit, although perhaps not in the winter months!
It is all too easy to forget that our “bread and butter” training takes place after School on every Friday of the School Year. The
brunt of this falls on these SNCOs, who deserve our sincere thanks for putting in another hour and a half of hard work after a demanding week in the classroom.
As I sit at my desk concluding this article my eyes are drawn to the year planner above the CO’s desk. Seven weekends between now and March plus Annual Camps later in the year. Busy, but then who would want it otherwise?
Maj RE Machin
Cdt Cpl Ahmed glued to the LSW

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