Page 112 - Mercian Eagle 2014
P. 112

                                 Newcastle-Under-Lyme School CCF
The last year has seen the Army Section
of Newcastle-under-Lyme School grow in size. Last summer’s intake was the largest for some years and over 25 recruits started their training in September. Since then they have participated in two ‘Field Days’ and
an overnight patrol exercise. The recruits have operated as three sections with two dedicated Junior NCOs leading each section. As well as training there have been competitions to foster a team spirit. Many of the recruits are, at the time of writing, looking forward to their first Annual Camp at Nescliffe Training Area.
The last Annual Camp in July 2013 was held at Warcop Training Area. This was the first camp to be led by Lt Lucy Barton supported by the SSI and former pupils. The conditions were decidedly hot with temperatures approaching 30 degrees
Celsius. However this did not prevent the cadets undertaking a full weeks training. The highlight was Exercise Warcop Wanderer which included three Section Attacks over a two hour period. There
was also an exceptional adventure training package covering a wide range of activities: including mountain biking, gorge walking, canoeing, hill walking and climbing.
Corporal Oliver Sawyers attended the Cadet Leadership Course at Nescliffe in April. Despite being one of our up and coming Cadet NCOs Oliver found the
initial day difficult. The expected standard was much higher than he had previously encountered. However Oliver rose to the occasion and by the end of the course he was performing at a high level. Certainly, he was more confident on his return and he learnt plenty to pass onto the section.
Warcop Camp T-shirt/Warcop Camp/July 2013
First Aid training/School Field/October 2013
Lt Lucy Barton has now gone on maternity leave. Commander Nick Carter has taken over as temporary OC – leaving the sea behind for a while. 2Lt David Kumar has joined us from Shropshire ACF and Major Nick Migallo will be joining the section in September. Meanwhile S/Sgt Dom Salter keeps the G4 side of things up to scratch. Cdr (CCF) Nick Carter RNR
OC Newcastle-under-Lyme School CCF
       Commander Carter/Warcop Camp/July 2013
Preparing to take to water/ Warcop Camp/July 2013

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