Page 110 - Mercian Eagle 2014
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                                   The County Quartermaster, Capt Dave Donnelly, recently completed the 1 Staffords “Band Of Brothers” charity run to Arnhem
in Holland. He said “I would like to thank all those that sponsored me from the Friends of the County, the Officers’ and Sergeants messes and the
Cadets for their kind
contributions during
annual camp. It gave
me the motivation to
complete this run. It
was very challenging
and really good to be
involved in this great fundraiser. We had
a few injuries and plenty of blisters along
the way, but we all completed the run successfully. We were invited onto the main parade on the John Frost Bridge in Arnhem on the Friday, where during the laying of the wreaths we were given a special mention of our run and why we did it. We were unable to run across this bridge on the Friday due to the main event going ahead later in the day, so we were up bright and early on
the Saturday morning dressed back in our sweaty boots, combat trousers and event T-shirts to complete the run over the bridge to finish what was a fantastic event for all those involved. We had an added bonus Francis Clarkson the daughter of Major Cain VC, South Staffordshire Regiment, who won the VC during the battle of Arnhem started us off in Lichfield and ran the final leg over the Bridge in Arnhem with us. For a Stafford soldier this was the icing on the cake”.
The County would like to bid a fond farewell to its previous Commandant,
Col Kim Knutton, from Tamworth and to wish him all the best for the future. Col Knutton had served as Commandant for the last 5 years and stood down from his post following a final parade at Annual Camp attended by over 600 Officers, adult volunteers and cadets.
He was pulled from the parade square at Warcop training camp in Cumbria aboard a land rover as Cadets from Staffordshire and the West Midlands lined the exit route and cheered.
Joining as a cadet at 13 he soon found the ACF was great fun and he was enjoying everything that the organization had to offer. It is only now, as he moves on he realises that he could not have achieved much more. Through hard work, commitment and determination he has held every post in the County, from Cadet to Commandant and
has seen cadets who joined as youngsters become reliable and successful adults, many of whom are still involved with the ACF.
Col Knutton said “After 47 years with the County it is time for me to make way for someone else. The last 5 years as
Brigade, taking over responsibility for all four Counties within the Brigade including a large number of School Combined Cadet Forces.
Col Richard Logan from Tamworth,
who was previously serving as Deputy Commandant (South) takes the post
of Commandant. A dedicated and experienced Officer, he looks forward to continue leading the County on to even greater achievements during his tenure.
Lt Col Emerson Holder has been appointed Deputy Commandant (South). Joining the Territorial Army in 1979 as a soldier he was commissioned in 1983 and brings with
him a wealth of experience that will greatly benefit our organization.
We are currently active in seeking new adult instructors and potential Officers for the County, any person, male or female, who feel that they can assist our dedicated team of Officers and adult instructors, please contact us on 01785 257804 during normal office hours. We look forward to hearing from you. Alternately visit our website
Commandant have been the highlight of my ACF career. I have been honoured and privileged to be the Commandant, to lead such a dedicated team of adult volunteers,
whose selfless devotion is inspiring and of course, such a wonderful group of young people, our Cadets. Whatever we have attempted I was always sure that every one of them would do their very best. As a result the County is regarded as one of the very best ACF’s in the Country, admired by all who come into contact with it.”
Col Knutton now starts his new post as Colonel Cadets for 143 West Midlands
 It gave me the motivation to complete this run.

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