Page 113 - Mercian Eagle 2014
P. 113

                                 Queen Mary’s Grammar School CCF
The Contingent has enjoyed another full and hectic training year. Once again expansion has been the theme both in terms of staff and cadets.
Teacher of Geography, Chris Larvin, and former senior cadet Stephen Pettitt have both finished the commissioning process and they have also successfully completed the CCF Basic course at Frimley Park CTC. Well done also to Lt Paul Rogers who successfully completed his KGVI Course including the SAA Instructor package. Many thanks to our outgoing
Alex Hudson, OC Army Section and Flt
Lt John Ridler, RAF Training Officer and their possé of senior cadets.
The School Welsh Centre at Farchynys continues to be a priceless asset.
For several years now an established programme of weekends has taken place there for groups of cadets that range in size from a dozen to the dizzy heights of 35 plus several staff. It is fortunate indeed that we have some degree of culinary expertise! In outline the main events this year were:
Cadet Command and Control Trainer (CCCT) (March 2014). A very popular and exciting Command Post exercise, which introduced some advanced skills such as map marking and included plenty of radio user training. Twenty attended to fight the “battle” in Mid Wales assisted and guided by a willing team of CFAVs.
Adventurous Training (April 2014). The training consisted of mountain walking, navigation and overnight camping in the Snowdonia area. All cadets are eligible
for this physically challenging activity. The weather this year was dry but distinctly chilly. “Onesies” were much in evidence around the camp site (although not on the hills!)
Desert Warfare (June 14 ). The training offers another opportunity for all cadets to enjoy a CCF weekend at Farchynys taking part in a number of activities suitable for summer conditions.
The usual three Field Days took place at our local training areas plus of course our Year 9 introduction to overnight living in the field (Exercise Sleepless Night – and it was!). An innovation this year was a party going to adventurous training activities at Whitemoor Lakes. This group also visited the nearby Memorial Arboretum where they planted
a tree to recognise the School’s ex-pupils
of the school who died between 1914 and 1918. The Contingent of course always marches on Remembrance Sunday with 350 on parade in Walsall town centre.
2Lt Pettitt ready with his Pyro
 senior cadet, RSM
Michael Sunner, and
congratulations to his
successor, Cdt RSM
Ashley Ellis. I must also
mention OCdt Alex King,
old boy, now at Leeds
UOTC who has provided
much valuable assistance with our training.
Cadet numbers have gone up to a total
of over 360 including RAF cadets. With the School intake rising over the next three years these numbers are likely to increase further. However as we know it is not just about numbers. The contingent has again enjoyed a busy and varied programme of activities.
Our major event this year was undoubtedly the unit’s Biennial Review with this year’s Inspecting Officer Colonel Seale Deputy Commander 143 Bde. Our report was a good one which reflects the huge amount of effort put in, especially by Capt
Cdt Sgt Ellis and Cdt LCpl Nevett Farman blending in with the heather
Hill Walking Weekend (Nov 2013.) A basic introduction to safety on the hills. This
activity was excellent preparation for the more demanding expedition in April (see below)
Arctic Warfare (Dec 2013). Led by RAF staff although attended
by cadets from both sections. A weekend primarily for Year 9 cadets who carried out a wide variety of military training and leadership activities.
Recruits Weekend (January 2014). A military skills and outdoor activity designed for Year 9 Pupils held on our land at Farchynys. A small number of senior cadets also attended as instructors
Antarctic Warfare (February 2014). Another opportunity primarily for Year 9 cadets who carried out a further selection of military training and leadership activities.
It is fortunate indeed that we have some degree of culinary expertise!
                   THE MERCIAN EAGLE

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