Page 129 - Mercian Eagle 2014
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                                We would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to everyone who contributed, and a special thanks to Nigel Hunt who worked extremely hard to make the operation a great success. Nigel commented; “it’s fantastic that the South Wirral Branch has this facility and for a reasonable donation, other branches will be able to use the marquee for their own events.”
Branch Membership
Last year, we struggled to keep the membership at a level sufficient l to justify our continued existence. This problem has been due to members moving out of the area, work commitments and illnesses, and
Our year started with the Dedication Ceremony at the Armoury in recognition of the late Major Sam McGeorge TD. An oak- cladded Association Standard cupboard with brass memorial plaque was duly dedicated in the presence of Mrs Wendy McGeorge and her two sons. Witnessing the occasion were trustee Lt Col Tony Angel and former TA members Alan Jennings, Alan Massey and Keith Mort. Major John Holden’s widow Judith oversaw the event as Major John had planned the whole event before his death. A commemorative meal at the Wycliffe Hotel followed.
The funeral of ex Cheshire Steve Duffy was held at Poynton Church with a cremation later at Stockport. Our Branch Standard, along with the Regimental Flag, were paraded at the request of his family. The standard bearers were Derek Sykes and Alan Kennedy, supported by Keith Mort, Eddie Bottomley, Brian Hartigan
and Alan Massey. The church was filled to capacity with many ex Cheshires who had served with Steve and many knew him well. And ever true to Regimental practices the local pub was invaded afterwards.
has had a major impact on us. Recognising that we must keep alive the spirit of the Regiment and to maintain friendships and comradeship between ourselves, we have endeavoured to spread the word within
our local community and seen a significant increase in membership.
One of our main efforts has been to change our meeting venue and timings; we are now meeting at the Ellesmere Port Labour Club on the first Friday of every month at 19:30 hrs. The Club offers us
a warm welcome and being close to the centre of the town, is more convenient to reach.
The AGM at Chester sprung a pleasant surprise. Brian Hartigan was awarded
the Major General Peter Martin Award for outstanding work for our Branch.
We were proud to parade both the Association and Branch Standards at the funeral of Sgt William Donaghy DCM at St Mary’s Church Towyn. The welcome and warmth extended to us by his family made the long journey well worthwhile.
We made our annual visit to the home
of Colonel Sir William Bromley-Davenport, KCVO at Capesthorne Hall for the Meeanee Commemoration Service and the customary dinner at the Flower Pot later. Several pints and plenty of lamp swinging made for yet another excellent day in our calendar.
We travelled at the way to Chester to hold our Meeanee Reunion Dinner at the Regimental Club. 38 of us sat down to a superb three course dinner with wine and the obligatory port for the loyal toasts. The venue is so apt with so much of our Regimental history tied up in the Castle.
In early March we visited the Macclesfield Branch for their AGM. A very pleasant evening with a hot buffet to follow. Later in
Veterans Gala
On the 21st June members of the branch attended the Veterans Gala evening at the Ellesmere Port Civic Centre. The evening began with an excellent speech from
one of our members, Kenny Spain, who
is the current Chairman of the Veterans Association. Kenny indicated he was proud to see so many people had taken the time to support the association in this year of commemoration. With speeches over, we were then treated to a host of jokes, songs from a variety of entertainers and obviously lots of drinks; a very good evening was had by all who attended.
the month we had our traditional night in the 13th Astley Volunteer Cheshire Rifleman Inn for our usual hot pot and cold beers, good banter and the usual mickey-taking when the football was shown.
We were saddened to hear of the passing of Peter Hennerley 1955-57 (Ex Corps
of Drums 22nd Cheshire) recently.
Peter produced the DVD ‘Chapel Street Remembered’ (dubbed The Bravest Little Street in England) the proceeds of the sales went to the Mercian Regiment Association. Peter’s funeral was also well attended
with a humorous eulogy by Alan Jennings summing up Peter’s life and habits of extra- long phone conversations whilst rolling a cigarette at the same time. A brilliant man.
Also Steve Bradshaw 1978-1999 (Mercian Volunteers and 3 CHESHIRE) died suddenly. It was standing room only at Steve’s funeral with many friends and
a huge representation from both units present. Steve certainly was a popular man judging by the numbers there that day.
In April, a photo session was held at
the Armoury when Lt Col Tony Angel presented a cheque for £1,000 to the Army
 Stockport Branch Cheque presentation

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